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Ethan and Dolan/08 Election Day

From Wuw Archive


Ethan present a Public Service Announcement about the 2008 election


{black screen. The words, "Public Service Announcemet" are present}

DAVEY: {serious tone} The following is a Public Service Announcemet from Ethan

{fade to a light blue screen. Ethan walks on}

ETHAN: {seriously} Hi, I'm celebrity cyclops, Ethan. Did you know, that this Tuesday is your chance to get out and make a difference? {close up} It's true. This Tuesday it is our duty as Americans to vote for the next president of the United States of America. {panning} That is why this Tuesday, anyone who tells me they voted, will recieve a free punch in the face.

{the "Punch In The Face for Votes" logo appears beside Ethan}

ETHAN: That's right, Americans. You'll have the opportunity to have me, celebrity cyclops personality Ethan, punch you... in the face. Just earlier today, thousands recieved punches in the face for voting early!

{cut to a clip of a man will a black eye}

MAN: Well I just came down today to vote early, and I got punched in the face by my faavorite celebrity! It was totally worth voting.

{cut back}

ETHAN: It's just the simple. {side angle. Ethan turns to the camera} So get out and vote, America. It's our responsibility.

DOLAN: {pokes in front of camera, facing Ethan} Eh, Ethan? You do know the majority of this wiki is too young to vote...

ETHAN: {shoves him back down} Thank you.

{cut to a full "Punch In The Face for Votes" logo}

DAVEY: This message brought to by the "Punch In The Face for Votes" foundation.


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