
From Worldinherhands

Revision as of 05:01, 13 May 2009 by Illmantrim (Talk | contribs)

Hi! I'm Sam and I am a crazy man in California who plays a lot of pups...

Bruce Banner, A man, a scientist, a monster. Hero and villain, lost man, and lost cause, he walks the paths of the world alone, always trying to keep others from being hurt by the darkness within...
Dwight McCarthy, from the comic Sin City
George Kirk, father of James T Kirk, from the new Star Trek Movie
George Wells, the time traveler who comes from the nineteenth century, from HG Wells' The Time Machine.
Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde, A scientist from a book, who has now become far more strained, and far more like his darker side.</br> Henry Pym, a scientific superhero from Marvel Comics
Henry Summers, OC future child of Scott Summers and Emma Frost, brought to WiHH as a woman.
Jo Nah, from DC Comics
Kurt Wonder, a future gen Harry Potter OC
Kyp Durron, a pilot and Jedi from Star Wars
Match Clone of Superboy, alien to humanity, a former villian getting a new start.
Merlin, A wizard, one time defender of humanity against that which walks in the darkness, and immortal.
Pete Wisdom
Sam Witwicky, a young man who became a hero in a war, and who wants to just be himself.
Samuel Smithers (Plantman)
Simon, a fugitive from many whose psionic talents make him a living weapon, or a hero to come
Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, patriotic superhero
The Rani (12 AU)
Xavin, an alien soldier bred to combat, bred to rulership, who found hope far away from home, and now has found a new beginning.

And more to come!

I am contactable through AIM at Illmantrim Sacto, and on email at I love to plot and will write almost anything. Though I am most often truly evil to my characters, I will write anything from fluff to romance to sophomoric humor.

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