Henry Pym

From Worldinherhands

Name: Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym
Canon: Marvel Comics
PB: Jude Law
Mun: Sam

Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym is a character owned by Marvel Comics and not by me. This journal is for roleplay purposes alone and no copyright infringement is intended.

Dr. Hank Pym is a scientific genius of the highest order with expertise in the fields of quantum physics, robotics/cybernetics, artificial intelligence, biochemistry, and even entomology. Notable achievements in robotics include the invention of Ultron and occasional repair of the android Vision. Pym also discovered the self-titled "Pym particles" that enable mass to be shunted or gained from an alternate dimension.

Pym has experimented with size-shifting for much of his adult life, initially via ingested capsules and later via particle-filled gas. Enough exposure eventually allows Pym to change size at will, as well as change the sizes of other living beings or inanimate objects. Pym retains his normal strength when "ant" size, and possesses greatly increased strength and stamina when in "giant" form, courtesy of the increased mass. He is able to attain a stated maximum height of roughly 100 feet. Pym’s costume is composed of unstable molecules and automatically adapts to his shifting sizes.

He also uses a variety of aids, including a cybernetic helmet for communicating with ants (Ant-Man) and artificial wings and bio-blasters built into his gloves (Yellowjacket). Pym also carries a variety of weaponry, provisions, and scientific instruments, which are stored in shrunken form in the pockets of his uniform.

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