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Julius E. Underwood et al

› Overview Abstract Drawings Description Claims

Patent number: 3248992 Filing date: Oct 6, 1964 Issue date: May 3, 1966

Inventors: Julius E. Underwood, Julius E. Underwood Current U.S. Classification: 84/436

View patent at USPTO Search USPTO Assignment Database Referenced by Citing Patent Filing date Issue date Original Assignee Title US4205583 Dec 12, 1977 Jun 3, 1980 CBS Inc. Keyboard construction for pianos US4418605 Jun 25, 1980 Dec 6, 1983 Pratt-Read Corporation Keyboard for musical instrument US7541532 Oct 3, 2006 Jun 2, 2009 Yamaha Corporation Key structure and keyboard apparatus US7652207 May 5, 2008 Jan 26, 2010 Yamaha Corporation Key structure and keyboard apparatus Drawings

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lauuuer º Patents View PDFDownload PDF KEYBOARD DEVICE

Julius E. Underwood et al

› Overview Abstract Drawings Description Claims

Patent number: 3248992 Filing date: Oct 6, 1964 Issue date: May 3, 1966

Inventors: Julius E. Underwood, Julius E. Underwood Current U.S. Classification: 84/436

View patent at USPTO Search USPTO Assignment Database Referenced by Citing Patent Filing date Issue date Original Assignee Title US4205583 Dec 12, 1977 Jun 3, 1980 CBS Inc. Keyboard construction for pianos US4418605 Jun 25, 1980 Dec 6, 1983 Pratt-Read Corporation Keyboard for musical instrument US7541532 Oct 3, 2006 Jun 2, 2009 Yamaha Corporation Key structure and keyboard apparatus US7652207 May 5, 2008 Jan 26, 2010 Yamaha Corporation Key structure and keyboard apparatus Drawings

Drawings Google Home - Sitemap - USPTO Bulk Downloads - Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - About Google Patents - Send Feedback ©2012 Google

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