Collected Bibliography M-Z

From Wildbison

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Mack, John (1998). Bison Survey for Yellowstone National Park, 10/22/98. Memorandum to Intersted Parties, USDI, NPS, N1427 (YELL), (October 26, 1998).

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Mattson, David J., Colin M. Gillin, Scott A. Benson, and Richard R. Knight (1991). Bear Feeding Activity at Alpine Insect Aggregation Sites in the Yellowstone Ecosystem. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 69:2430-2435. (page missing)

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McClenaghan, Leroy R., Jr., Joel Berger, and Harold Truesdale (1990). Founding Lineages and Genic Variability in Plains Bison (Bison, bison) from Badlands National Park, South Dakota. Conservation Biology, 4(3): 285-289.

McCormack, Patricia A. (1992.) The political economy of bison management in Wood Buffalo National Park. Arctic. 45(4): 367-380.

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McNaught, David A. (1987). Wolves in Yellowstone? - Park Visitors Respond. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 15: 518-521.

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Meagher, Mary (1971). Snow as a Factor Influencing Bison Distribution and Numbers in Pelican Valley. Yellowstone National Park, National Park Service.

Meagher, Mary (1971). Winter Weather as a Population Regulating Influence on Free-Ranging Bison in Yellowstone National Park. Presented at American Association for the Advancement of Science Symposium on Research in National Parks (December 28, 1971).

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Meyer, Margaret E. (1992). Brucella abortus in the Yellowstone National Park Bison Herd. Report to Yellowstone National Park, USDI. School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis.

Meyer, Margaret E. and Mary Meagher (1995). Brucellosis in Free-Ranging Bison (Bison, bison ) in Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Wood Buffalo National Parks: A Review. School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis & National Biological Service, YNP. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 31(4): 579-598.

Melton, D., N. Larter, C. Gates, and J. Virgl. (1989) The influence of rut and environmental factors on the behaviour of wood bison. Acta Theriologica 34(12): 179-193.

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Mitchell, J. and C.C. Gates. 2002 Status of wood bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, and Alberta Conservation Association, Wildlife Status Report No. 38, Edmonton, AB. 32pp.

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N Top of Page

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Olsen, S.C., N.F. Cheville, R.A. Kunkle, M.V. Palmer, and A.E. Jenson (1997). Bacterial Survival, Lymph Node Pathology and Serological Responses of Bison (Bison bison ) Vaccinated with Brucella abortus Strain RB51 or Strain 19. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 33(1): 146-151.

Olsen, Steven C., Allen E. Jenson, Mitchell V. Palmer, and Mark G. Stevens (1998). Evaluation of Serologic Responses, Lymphocyte Proliferation Responses, and Clearance from Lymphatic Organs After Vaccination of Bison with Brucella abortus Strain RB51. American Journal of Veterinary Research (AJVR), 59(4): 410-415.

Olsen, Steven C., J.C. Rhyan, Thomas Gidlewski, M.V. Palmer, and A.H. Jones (1999). Biosafety and Antibody Responses of Adult Bison Bulls After Vaccination with Brucella abortus Strain RB51. American Journal of Veterinary Research (AJVR), 60: 905-908.


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R Top of Page

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