Sources for this bibliography

From Wildbison

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Buffalo Field Campaign Buffalo Conservation Bibliography

Carbyn, Lu. 2003. The Buffalo Wolf; Selected References. Smithsonian Books

Google Scholar

Journal Storage, The Scholary Journal Archive.

Plumb, Glenn. E., Jerrold L.Dodd, and J. Brad Stelfox. 1992. A bibliography on bison (Bison bison). Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wyoming, Laramie. Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center


McCormack, Patricia A. (1992.) The political economy of bison management in Wood Buffalo National Park. Arctic. 45(4): 367-380.

Moesker, Margarey (2204) An Annoted Bibliography of Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Wood Bison Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Institute of the Environment. University of Ottawa website.

Montana State University- Center For Bison Studies Bibliography of Tuberculosis in The American Bison

Montana State University- Center For Bison Studies Bibliography of Parasites of the American Bison Scientific Search Engine Keywords Bison ANDNOT sports


University of Wyoming Library Server The Greater Yellowstone Bibliography

Washington State Library Server Research and Science in Yellowstone National Park

Wind Cave National Park Bibliography

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