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Trade Centre-Based Practical Training Courses In Solar Energy NVQ Uncovered
'Green Energy' is the use of resources such as wind, tides and geothermal heating to provide us with our everyday energy requirement. When 'Green', they are all thought to be replenishable and natural. It is easy to think that we may be travelling back in time when we think of items such as wind power and windmills. However, it is the result of eco-efficient and planet friendly options that this process is maintained.
In the home environment, one can see examples such as Solar Thermal and Solar Water Heating Collectors. To gain electricity from roof panels you would need solar electrical panels (PV's). Biomass Energy is the next phase, and this involves Fuel, Pellets, Stoves and Boilers burning Wood. There is also the ground heat from the Sun - now known as Ground Source Heat Pumps. Lastly, there are two of the more historical forms of energy production - namely Wind Turbines and Hydropower.
Solar Energy Systems: Often called Solar Energy, this is fact based on two types of solar panels each using different ideas to get their results. To begin with, we have the concept of drawing energy from the Sun to heat water - known as Solar Water Heating Collectors. Additionally, there is the method of converting solar radiation into electricity known as Photovoltaic - or simply Solar Electrical panels. Typically, these panels are found on roofs - and need to be away from any light blocks such as trees, chimneys and other buildings.
Within Solar Energy overall, Solar Water Power is most commonly used in the UK. Solar Water heating systems can provide over 50 percent of a household's hot water requirement during the year. Getting a professional fitting will cost around 2-5k, however, doing the job yourself could make it as low as 500 to 1500 pounds in total.
Biomass Energy Based Systems: Including all natural energy forms derived from plant and animal products - such as wood, straw, poultry litter and 'energy crops'. Due to its adaptability, it can produce a range of energy forms - from heat and electricity through to combinations of both. It is a useful point to make that the UK is one of the major producers of Biomass fuels within Europe. It should be borne in mind that the whole process is designed to produce energy without an impact on CO2. Because the system often involves one tree being planted as another is felled, many wood crops are deemed to be sustainable sources.
'Energy Crops' trees such as Willow and Poplar play a major part in the process - under the banner of Short Rotation Coppice (SRC). Perennial grasses are also responsible for large quantities of dry matter. Other less known materials within this field are Agricultural and Municipal Waste. Agricultural Waste is commonly formed as a by-product of traditional agricultural work. However, waste derived from food or wood is another biomass entity - called Municipal Waste.
Geo-Thermal Energy: This is primarily the heating of the Earth (mainly from the sun) and can be utilised in electricity and warm water production. By using the ground source temperature of approximately 12 degrees, we can either heat or cool buildings within the UK. Heat pumps are recognised as a very good form of power generation, generally giving back four units of energy for every one used. Heat source pump energy can go one step further (by gaining a 100 percent return) if the energy to power them comes from items such as wind turbines or solar electrical panels.
Systems Based On Wind Energy: Without a doubt, wind energy has to be one of the oldest forms of energy production known to man. That aside, the ability to generate energy and both transfer this into the home or the local grid has been a relatively new option. To be fair, the UK has the highest level of wind generation within Europe. It is interesting to note that whilst we can produce 10 percent of our entire power requirement from wind power, at present we only produce 1 percent. Although electricity is still being produced from between 2-10 p per kWh, it could be generated from as little as 2p per kWh. The financial recovery process takes around 6-9 months.
Hydropower is a method that suits the UK energy production system. The ability to utilise energy from moving water, much like wind power, has been going on for thousands of years. In total, this could produce something like 2 percent of all electricity required in the UK.
A hydropower system uses a turbine to create energy from moving water. By using a dam or a natural river drop, these turbines do not require water storage. It is by using the eroded national distribution systems, that allows for outdated sluices and dams to be used by techniques known as 'Micro-Hydro'. Having said that, this process could still generate 200mW of the National Capacity. Installing systems like this could cost between 200 pounds and 3k per kW of energy created.
The demand on 'Green Energy' continues to develop - in light of the energy demands worldwide. Within the UK and mainly the domestic sector, we are well placed to take advantage of the schemes above.
Electricians and Plumbers in particular are expected to provide the main thrust of domestic installation expertise. It is the political view of this type of energy generation that results in grants and financial aid becoming ever-more prevalent. It is important to gain the correct qualifications to install these items. Electrical or plumbing training that incorporates green technology could be very useful for the future.
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