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One particular Reason Why Radio Won't Play Indie Music

And What You Can Do About It

by Jeronimo Black

As I clicked on a popular music company forum, I was greeted with a question. "Why will not commercial radio play music by Indie Artists?"

My reply to this person was as follows:

"As a former Operations Manager and Music Director on each the Comm and Non-Comm sides, Let me break the cause down for you.

Commercial Radio needs ratings to get paid from advertisers. Most advertiser's, on radio, are ad agencies. Ad agencies base their "buys" (sponsorships) on a Price per point ("CPP") basis. CPP is based on how several thousands of listeners a radio station can capture in a 15 minute period (or cume).

Many commercial radio [System and Music] do not want to put thier ratings at risk, by airing an 'untested song' on the air. So what these commercial radio directors do, is, air music based on the national charts supplied by Radio and Records, Broadcast Information Systems (BDS) and Billboard.

These charts are primarily influenced by the major labels by means of promotions and strategic alliances.

Your finest finest is to do like Knarles Barkley. Knarles Barkleys' single "Crazy" went #1 on the internet and radio could not aid but to get them the single on the air.

Get your music on music submission websites, make some noise on the net, and get a account so you can get your music on iTunes and commence promoting."

I suggested this since the music business is going digital. Clear Channel has a partnership with exactly where they will feature a particular amount of new artists every single week in on their internet site. Because Clear Channel is the most significant and most innovative broadcaster in the music organization, it is just a matter of time ahead of the other cowardly copy-cat broadcasters will comply with suit.

The planet is going digital, although radio continutes to operate using an analog organization model. You can be profitable in the music company if you adjust your marketing and advertising model from analog to digital.


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