Talk:List of Wild Bison Herds

From Wildbison

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(Wild Herds?)
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==Wild Herds?==
==Wild Herds?==
As far as I now, the herds in this list meet the cruteria that I set for this project as wild herds. If you have any other thoughts on the matter or information about these herds that would deem them removed from this list, let me know. - Kalanu
As far as I now, the herds in this list meet the criteria that I set for this project as wild herds. If you have any other thoughts on the matter or information about these herds that would deem them removed from this list, let me know. - Kalanu

Revision as of 19:07, 10 February 2007

Wild Herds?

As far as I now, the herds in this list meet the criteria that I set for this project as wild herds. If you have any other thoughts on the matter or information about these herds that would deem them removed from this list, let me know. - Kalanu

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