Bison Ecology and Movements

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Berger, Joel and Carol Cunningham (1988). Size-Related Effects on Search Times in North American Grassland Female Ungulates. Ecology 69(1):177-183.
Berger, Joel and Carol Cunningham (1988). Size-Related Effects on Search Times in North American Grassland Female Ungulates. Ecology 69(1):177-183.
Berger, Joel and Carol Cunningham (1994). Multiple Bottlenecks, Allopatric Lineages and Badlands Bison (Bos bison) Consequences of Lineage Mixing. Biological Conservation 71(1995): 13-23.
Berger, Joel and Carol Cunningham (1994). Multiple Bottlenecks, Allopatric Lineages and Badlands Bison (Bos bison) Consequences of Lineage Mixing. Biological Conservation 71(1995): 13-23.

Revision as of 05:38, 31 July 2006

Berger, Joel and Carol Cunningham (1988). Size-Related Effects on Search Times in North American Grassland Female Ungulates. Ecology 69(1):177-183.

Berger, Joel and Carol Cunningham (1994). Multiple Bottlenecks, Allopatric Lineages and Badlands Bison (Bos bison) Consequences of Lineage Mixing. Biological Conservation 71(1995): 13-23.

Berger, J. and C. Cunningham (1994). Bison Mating and Conservation in Small Populations (Table of contents only). NY: Columbia University Press.

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