Wood Bison/Canadian Herds
From Wildbison
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+ | Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2P2. | ||
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+ | Anonymous. 1987. The increasing significance of brucellosis and tuberculosis in bison in the Wood Buffalo National Park Region. Can. Vet. J. 28: 102 | ||
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+ | Berg, R.T. 1989. Report to the Northern Diseased Bison Environmental | ||
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+ | Unpubl. paper. Available at the Department of Animal Science, University | ||
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+ | Carbyn, L.N., and T. Trottier (1987). [http://cat.inist.fr/%3FaModele%3DafficheN%26cpsidt%3D7511356 Responses of Bison on Their Calving Grounds to Predation by Wolves in Wood Buffalo National Park.] Canadian Journal of Zoology 65:2072-2078. | ||
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+ | Carbyn, L.N., Huisman, D., Street, E., and Anions, D. (1989) An | ||
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+ | to 1981 and a review of the status to 1989. Unpubl. report. Available from | ||
+ | L.N. Carbyn, Canadian Wildlife Service, 5320 - 122 Street, Edmonton, | ||
+ | Alberta T6H 3S5. | ||
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+ | Carbyn, L.N., S.M. Oosenbrug, and D.W. Anions. (1993). Wolves, bison and the dynamics related to the Peace-Athabasca Delta in Canada’s Wood Buffalo National Park. Can. Circumpolar Res. Ser. No. 4, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. 270 pp. | ||
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+ | Carbyn, L. N., Lunn, and K. Timoney. (1998) Trends in the distribution and abundance of bison in Wood Buffalo National Park. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26(3): 463-470. | ||
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+ | Chisholm, J., Comin, l., Unka, T. (1998) Consensus-based Research to Assist with Bison Management in Wood Buffalo National Park. International Symposium on Bison Ecology and Herd Management in North America. Montana State University. | ||
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+ | 1967. Bison Reports and Anthrax, Vol. 7. Available at WBNP, Box 750, | ||
+ | Fort Smith, N.W.T. XOE OPO. | ||
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+ | ENVIRONMENT CANADA. 1990. Environment Canada submission to the Federal Environmental Assessment and Review Panel on Northern Dis-eased Bison. Ottawa: Environment Canada. | ||
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+ | FEARO (1990) Northern Diseased Bison Report of the Environmental Assessment Panel under the Federal Environmental Assessment and Review Process. Government of Canada | ||
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+ | Ferguson, T.A. 1989. Native perspectives on the northern diseased bison issue: An | ||
+ | outline. A report presented to the Northern Diseased Bison Environmental Assessment Panel. Available at FEARO, 510 - 750 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2P2. | ||
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+ | Ferguson, T.A. 1990. The “Jarvis Proof‘: Management of bison, management of bison hunters, and the development of a literary tradition. In: McCormack, P.A.,and Ironside, R.G., eds. Proceedings of the Fort Chipewyan and Fort Vermilion Bicentennial Conference. Edmonton: Boreal Institute for Northern Studies. Occasional Paper No. 28:299-304. | ||
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+ | Ferguson, T.A., and F. Laviolette. 1992. [http://pubs.aina.ucalgary.ca/arctic/Arctic45-1-47.pdf A note on historical mortality in a northern bison population]. Arctic 45(1): 47-50. | ||
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+ | Ferguson, T. (1993) Wood Bison and the Early Fur Trade. The Uncovered Past:Roots of Northern Alberta Societies, ed P.McCormack and R. Ironside. Circumpolar Institute. | ||
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+ | Foster, J. E. (19920 The metis and the end of the plains buffalo in Alberta. In Buffalo. Edited by J. E. Foster, D. Harrison, and I. S. MacLaren. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Press. pp. 61-77. | ||
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+ | Fuller, W.A. (1950) Aerial Census of Northern Bison in Wood Buffalo National Park and Vicinity. Journal of Wildlife Management 14. pp.445-451 | ||
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+ | Fuller, W.A. 1951b. Progress report on bison investigators and plans for future study. | ||
+ | April 1951. Bison Reports, Vol. 4, No. 6. Available at WBNP, Box 750, Fort Smith, N.W.T. XOE OPO. | ||
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+ | Fuller, W.A. 1951c. Progress report in bison study. Bison Reports, Vol. 4, No. 7. | ||
+ | Available atW BNP, Box 750, Fort Smith, N.W.T. XOE OPO. | ||
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+ | Fuller, W.A. 1955. Fertility of bison in Wood Buffalo Park. No. 1, 1960. Bison | ||
+ | Reports, Vol. 8, No. 15. Available at WBNP, Box 750, Fort Smith, N.W.T. XOE OPO. | ||
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+ | Fuller, W.A. (1960) Behaviour and Social Organization of the Wild Bison of Wood Buffalo National Park`, Canada. Arctic 13, no.1. pp-13-19 | ||
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+ | Fuller, W.A. (1966) The Biology and Management of Bison of Wood Buffalo National Park. Wildlife Management Bulletin. Ser.1, No.16 | ||
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Gates, C.C., J. Mitchell, J. Wierzchowski and L. Giles. (2001). A landscape evaluation of bison movements and distribution in Northern Canada. Axys Environmental Consulting Ltd., Calgary, Alberta. 113 pp. | Gates, C.C., J. Mitchell, J. Wierzchowski and L. Giles. (2001). A landscape evaluation of bison movements and distribution in Northern Canada. Axys Environmental Consulting Ltd., Calgary, Alberta. 113 pp. | ||
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+ | Hickey C., Boutin S., Gates C., van Kooten C. (2004) An Integrated Resource Management Proposal for the Special Management Area in North-Central Alberta. Sustainable Forest Management Network | ||
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+ | Joly, D.O., and F. Messier. 2000. A numerical response of wolves to bison abundance in Wood Buffalo National Park. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78: 1101–1104. | ||
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+ | Joly, D.O. and F. Messier. 2001. Limiting effects of bovine brucellosis and tuberculosis on wood bison within Wood Buffalo National Park. Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5E3. Final Report, March 2001. Submitted to: Wood Buffalo National Park, Heritage Canada, Box 750, Fort Smith, NT, X0E 0P0. 127 pp. | ||
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+ | Joly, D.O., and F. Messier. 2004. Factors affecting apparent prevalence of tuberculosis and brucellosis in wood bison. Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 623–631. | ||
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+ | Joly, D.O., and F. Messier. 2004. Testing hypotheses of bison population decline (1970–1999) in Wood Buffalo National Park: synergism between exotic disease and predation. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 1165–1176. | ||
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+ | Joly, D.O., and F. Messier. 2005. The effect of bovine tuberculosis and brucellosis on reproduction and survival of wood bison in Wood Buffalo National Park. Journal of Animal Ecology 74: 543–551. | ||
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