Collected Bibliography F-L

From Wildbison

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GEIST, V. 1990. Northern diseased bison: A rebuttal of Agriculture Canada’s arguments to eliminate bison from Wood Buffalo National Park. Submission to the Northern Diseased Bison Environmental Assessment Panel. Available at FEARO, 510- 750 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2P2.
GEIST, V. 1990. Northern diseased bison: A rebuttal of Agriculture Canada’s arguments to eliminate bison from Wood Buffalo National Park. Submission to the Northern Diseased Bison Environmental Assessment Panel. Available at FEARO, 510- 750 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2P2.
Geist, V. (1991) Phantom subspecies: the wood bison Bison bison "athabascae" Rhoads 1897 is not a valid taxon, but an ecotype. Arctic 44:283-300.
Geist, V. (1991) [ Phantom subspecies: the wood bison Bison bison "athabascae" Rhoads 1897 is not a valid taxon, but an ecotype.] Arctic 44:283-300.
Geist, Valerius (1992). Endangered Species and the Law. Nature, (May 28, 1992) 357: 274-276.
Geist, Valerius (1992). Endangered Species and the Law. Nature, (May 28, 1992) 357: 274-276.
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Joly, D.O. and F. Messier. 2001. Limiting effects of bovine brucellosis and tuberculosis on wood bison within Wood Buffalo National Park. Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5E3. Final Report, March 2001. Submitted to: Wood Buffalo National Park, Heritage Canada, Box 750, Fort Smith, NT, X0E 0P0. 127 pp.
Joly, D.O. and F. Messier. 2001. Limiting effects of bovine brucellosis and tuberculosis on wood bison within Wood Buffalo National Park. Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5E3. Final Report, March 2001. Submitted to: Wood Buffalo National Park, Heritage Canada, Box 750, Fort Smith, NT, X0E 0P0. 127 pp.
Joly, D.O., and F. Messier. 2004. Factors affecting apparent prevalence of tuberculosis and brucellosis in wood bison. Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 623–631.
Joly, D.O., and F. Messier. 2004. [ Factors affecting apparent prevalence of tuberculosis and brucellosis in wood bison.] Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 623–631.
Joly, D.O., and F. Messier. 2004. Testing hypotheses of bison population decline (1970–1999) in Wood Buffalo National Park: synergism between exotic disease and predation. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 1165–1176.
Joly, D.O., and F. Messier. 2004. Testing hypotheses of bison population decline (1970–1999) in Wood Buffalo National Park: synergism between exotic disease and predation. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82: 1165–1176.

Current revision as of 04:08, 1 May 2007


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