Gold Stars

From Wikimacs

Gold Stars are awarded by Barry Huang to WikiMACS All-Stars (who are also selected by Barry) for exceptional WikiMACS achievement, or just writing something really funny. A form of WikiMACS currency, if you well, not unlike Xanga's eProps, but infinitely more valuable.

Gold Star Log

  • ??/??/2006 to Chris Lee (10 gold stars) for documenting the dance steps to every modern dance routine since 2003
  • 08/09/2006 to Clara Huang (1 gold star) for writing the Swimming page, in particular the part "Held at the pool (O RLY?)"
  • 08/09/2006 to Clara Huang (5 gold stars) for creating like...100 pages in one day. Even though most of them are blank.

Gold Star and other All-Star babble

CLARA WINS at only making new blank entries or editing entries with no changes

No Chris, you're just unobservant.
Okay okay, she adds a few words to each entry, usually words that tell the obvious.
So, how's the editing of all of my pages coming along?
It'll get there when we get more info about the people we dont know besides is/was a camper/counselor/teacher/staff
And your pages aren't as impressive as my dance commentaries.
Exactly. Oh, and who even bothers to read those? And why the hell would you point your left arm at your left armpit?
Thats not a question to ask me, you should ask the dance teachers
No really, that just means your elbow is sticking out a lot more than it should.
It's not the left arm, its the left palm. Try doing both and you would see what I mean. And what else could I have said that isnt too long? "Left arm parallel to the ground and left hand points right"...seems a little too long

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