Pieing Counselors

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Revision as of 04:35, 10 August 2006 by CTL17 (Talk | contribs)
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Debuted in 2004 as the event after Night Market, each camper would be able to get shaving cream pies and throw it on a counselor of their choice, with a cost of tickets, of course. In 2004 and 2005, the campers could spend 25 tickets for a long range shot, while 50 tickets for a closer shot, with a higher chance of hitting the counselor. If the camper misses, and the counselor is a good sport, he/she will pie him/herself. In some times, the other counselors will take shaving cream cans and spray the targetted counselor anyway. In 2006. with the new auction for pies, the camper could just stand next to the counselor and just smear it in his/her face, adding more to the mess on the counselor, but less mess on the surroundings.

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