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F4 was comprised of 2003 campers Dan Chen, Ian Chen, Barry Huang, and Quentin Tai. All were returning campers (Ian since 1997, Dan and Barry since 1999, and Quentin since 2000) in their last year of camper eligibility, celebrating their "last hurrah" at WMACS (although all 4 would go on to become counselors). F4 was in the oldest boy group under counselor Mok-yi Chow (who had been Ian and Barry's counselor for 5 consecutive years and Dan and Quentin's for 4), joined by fellow returning campers such as Barnaby Yeh, Bernard Peng, and Kevin Mao. However, these particular four had formed a unique bond over the past five years through camp, countless other get-togethers, online communications, and computer gaming.

During camp, besides being among the most visible and well-recognized campers, they were essentially counselors-in-training (CITs), assisting the counselors in planning and execution, guiding the younger campers, leading their teams, and doing much of the "grunt work" for the staff, especially camp director Bien Shu Shu. The camper-counselor gap was further blurred by the presence of long-time campers and close friends of F4 Brett Chung, Thomas Chu, James Lien, and Glenda Fu as counselors.

From beginning to end, F4 was inseparable, resulting in an exceptionally memorable week at Frostburg. The week culminated in Skit Night, during which F4 chose to perform Save Tonight by Eagle Eye Cherry as their final "skit song," a long-running tradition since 2000, and during the Dance, at which "Save Tonight" came to symbolize F4's attitude in savoring their final night as campers.

Despite a tearful farewell, F4 continued to gather periodically and, as mentioned above, have all returned as counselors at some point (though never all 4 at once): Ian and Barry in 2004, Ian and Dan in 2005, and Dan, Barry, and Quentin in 2006. Whether in person or in legend, all four are sure to remain on the WMACS scene for years to come.

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