Bu guai

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Bu Guai is the pin yin of two chinese words that describe someone (usually a child) as a misbehaver. Guai by itself means behaved and Bu is the negation of that. Typical/correct use would look's like this:

"Ta Bu Guai."

which means - He/She is not well behaved.

At camp, this adjective has been turned into a noun or - to be more specific - the group of campers that have misbehaved by not listening to the teachers, staff, or counselors when they were told to do something.

Examples of how to become labeled as a Bu Guai:

  • Not following the Wushu teacher's orders (which one year, for Quentin Tai, resulted in him getting his legs taken out from under him by a staff and then getting body slammed into the floor *note: not an exaggeration*)
  • Not going to class (As a camper, Daniel Chen was pro at this as his name has been exchanged over many a walkie-talkie)
  • Taking your counselor's towel, clothes, and keys when they are showering (When Harry Hsing realized that his campers (i.e., Ian Chen and Brett Chung) had taken his stuff, his yelling could be heard through out the hall and made them all go into hiding.)
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