From Wikimacs
2001 was the largest year, in terms of number of campers, in recent memory. There were 171 campers, split up into groups G1 through G9 and B1 through B7.
2001 was also memorable because of the "5 Arry's": Barry Huang, Terry Li, Harry Hsing, Gary Chiang, and Jerry Hsieh. Yes, that's Barry Terry Harry Gary and Jerry...WMACS was only missing a Larry, a Mary, and a Carrie. To annoy them all, people would sometimes shout, "Yo, ARRY!" which would make all five of them turn around.
G1: Robin Kao
G2: Rosa Lee
G3: Amy Kuo
G4: Eileen Lin
G5: Anita Cheng
G6: Geebin Mak
G7: Kin-Ling Sham
G8: Christina Wong
G9: June Liang
B1: Alex Cheng
B2: Ray Hsieh
B3: Brian Lee
B4: Stan Liu
B5: Joe Sham
B6: Mok-yi Chow
B7: Harry Hsing
Head Counselors: June Liang and Harry Hsing