Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/timetravelinuptheriverorsomething.likethat

From Umcom


FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 2006

FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2005

{We start at Airstar's computer. He sits down and types "Airstaremail2007.exe" while singing}

AIRSTAR:I'm walkin' on email, OH OH OH! I wanna feel good, YEAH!

Dear Airstar, I think you should time travel to the past and meet you're past self. Wouldn't that be cool? The Noid

AIRSTAR:You know, The Noid, you have a point there. That would be pretty cool. Where will I find a time travel device? That sounds like something in as Sci-Fi movie.

{Homestar comes in. Cut to a wide shot.}

HOMESTAR:I'm suwe you could find a time twavel device somewhew. Like this time twavel device!

{Homestar holds up an empty quart of milk.}

AIRSTAR:That's a quart of milk, Homestar.

HOMESTAR:Oh. Umm...maybe Stwong Sad can help you!

{Homestar pulls Strong Sad from offscreen.}


AIRSTAR:Strong Sad, what are you doing here?

STRONG SAD:Playing chess with Schoolstar.


THE CHUCK:{Offscreen}You used a time travel device in Season 1 of you're email show! Remember? 2005?

AIRSTAR:Oh yeah! What a great day! I met Airjet Booster! Well, ok little Noidy. I will meet my 2005 counterpart! Bring out the time travel device! Maybe i'll be the Airstar that goes back in time to his ninth email, oh wait...it's not 2008, it's 2007. Crap. Well anyway,

{ Airstar turns to Schoolstar who is holding a floppy disk labeled "Time TRavel" he puts it in.}

AIRSTAR:Initiate launch sequence.

{Schoolstar initaiates the launch sequence.}

AIRSTAR:Set date March 26, 2005.

{Schoolstar accidentally types in "March 26, 2006" on the computer. Airstar warps away.}

HOMESTAR:Goodbye Waterstar! Who was that guy?

{Cut to 2006. 2006 Airstar is laying in the feild with a lake right next to him.}


{Another Airstar appears right next to this one.}

AIRSTAR:Hi, I am 2007 Airstar! You are 2005 Airstar, right?

2006 AIRSTAR:What? It's March 2006!

2007 AIRSTAR:Oh, crap. Wrong year. I'm from February 2007.

2006 AIRSTAR:Cool. Do I have a mansion helicopter that gets 75,000 gallons to the mile in February 2007?

2007 AIRSTAR:No. But during you're 10th email you'll experience something unexpected...


2007 AIRSTAR:Oh nothing. Is this when you were attacked by ninjas?

AIRSTAR:No. When do I get attacked by ninjas?

2007 AIRSTAR:July or something. Look, what's happening?

AIRSTAR:I'm being attacked by a space panther. He just hit me from that lake.

2007 AIRSTAR:Oh. Well you'll survive. See ya.

{He warps away. Cut to Schoolstar on the Skypy. Airstar warps next to him. Schoolstar turns around.}

SCHOOLSTAR:What are you doing here?

AIRSTAR:You didn't take me to 2005! You took me to 2006! Remember that time you dropped the system in a lake?

SCHOOLSTAR:Oh yeah! That was April or something. Oh, what a disasterpeice.

AIRSTAR:Sure was. Now take me to 2005!

SCHOOLSTAR:Ok. Where to?

AIRSTAR:My first email!


{Schoolstar types in "July 22 2005". And he warps away. Homestar comes in with some tinfoil taped to the quart of milk.}

HOMESTAR:I can't get this time machine to wowk!

{Cut to 2005 Airstar at the Skypy.}

2005 AIRSTAR:I'm in my blimp, and i'm checkin' some emails. {Airstar clicks on his email.}

Dear Airstar,
Why are you all blue?
I think you need to get some
more colors into your outfit.
And also, who is your best

2005 AIRSTAR:{Typing} Well, Technoguy, why am I all blue? I gue-

{Cut to a wideshot. 2007 Airstar warps next to him. 2005 Airstar turns around.}

2005 AIRSTAR:What's going on?

{2005 Schoolstar pokes his head from behind 2007 Airstar.}

2005 SCHOOLSTAR:Hey, I was standing here.

2007 AIRSTAR:I am from February 2007!

2005 AIRSTAR:Cool. Do I have a mansion helicopter that gets 75,000 gallons to the mile?

2007 AIRSTAR:No. 2006 Airstar asked me that too. I am weird.

2005 AIRSTAR:Do I at least have 100 emails?

2007 AIRSTAR:No. You're on you're 18th email.

2005 AIRSTAR:18th email? A year and a half later and I have 18 emails?

2007 AIRSTAR:Look, you had two six month hiatuses. Anywa-

{A taller Airstar warps right next to 2007 Airstar.}

OTHER AIRSTAR:Hello. I am 2008 Airstar.

2007 AIRSTAR:Cool. Do I have a mansion helicopter that gets 75,000 miles to the gallon in 2008?

2008 AIRSTAR:No. But I have 45 emails!

{A middle-aged Airstar warps right next to 2008 Airstar.}

MIDDLE AGED AIRSTAR:Hello. I am from 2021! I have 789 emails, and I-

2008 AIRSTAR:Have a mansion helicopter that goes 75,000 miles to the gallon?


{A 9 year old Airstar warps right next to 2021 Airstar}

9 YEAR OLD AIRSTAR:Hello. I'm from 1985! And I- WHOA! Grown up mes?

{A 28 year old Airstar warps right next to him. Then a 15 year old, then a 54 year old, then a 20 year old, then a 31 year old, then a 47 year old, until a bunch of random aged Airstars warp all over the place. Then 2007 Airstar gets on the desk and stands up.}


{Everybody goes quiet. Homestar warps right next to 2007 Airstar.}

2007 AIRSTAR:How'd you get here?

HOMESTAR:The quart of milk wowoked!

2007 AIRSTAR:(Sigh) Anyway, Why is everyone here?


2007 AIRSTAR:And now do you're time machines work?


2007 AIRSTAR:Let's all time travel to February 21, 2007 alright?


{They all warp out. Cut to Airstar's 2007 computer room. Schoolstar is still on his computer. All the time travelers warp in, crushing Schoolstar.}

2007 AIRSTAR:Ok. Now are they still working?


2007 AIRSTAR:Oh, crap. I got 50 Airstars in my blimp.

{The Chuck comes in and faints.}

2007 AIRSTAR:Oh my god.

HOMESTAR:Least we still got milk!

{The paper comes down.}

[edit] Fun facts

"Walkin' on email" is a refrence to "I'm walkin' on sunshine" by some band.

Airstar was attacked by ninjas in a July 2006 email.

April 2006 was also the release of a Not Quite Email.

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