Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/not popular

From Umcom


AIRSTAR FLYER: In a blimp, email checking. .gnikcech liame ,pmilb a nI

Dear Airstar,
You don't get many emails.
Why is that?
Lover of Airstar

AIRSTAR FLYER: {typing} Well, Lover of Airstar, it's because I'm... {A tear appears in Airstar's eyes, and he becomes sad.} Unpopular.

{Airstar starts crying. Cut to the view of the entire computer room. The Chuck is there.}

THE CHUCK: There there, Airstar. It's okay. Will a lollipop make you feel better?

AIRSTAR FLYER: {sniffling} No, but thanks. Why am I, of all people, unpopular?

THE CHUCK: I wouldn't know.

{Airstar starts crying again.}

THE CHUCK: No, stop Airstar! I know, I know.

AIRSTAR FLYER: {sniffling} This is why I love you The Chuck. Come on to my lap.

{The Chuck jumps onto Airstar's lap. The Chuck starts purring.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: I didn't know you could purr.

THE CHUCK: {stops purring} Of course I can. {continues purring}

AIRSTAR FLYER: Awww. I love ya The Chuck!

THE CHUCK: {stops purring} I love you too Airstar. {continues purring}

AIRSTAR FLYER: I've got to find a way to be popular.

THE CHUCK: {stops purring} I don't think there is a way.

AIRSTAR FLYER: You're right. I'll try to accept myself for who I am...

{Airstar's paper comes down. "Click here to email the unpopular Airstar"}

[edit] Easter Eggs

  • Wait for ten seconds to see Airstar cry again.

[edit] Easter Eggs

Airstar's backwards saying is from SBemail "Rock Opera".

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