Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/blimp speed

From Umcom

SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2005

Airstar's Blimp

SCHOOLSTAR SWIGGLE: Today I will be answering the email. Airstar is a bit busy fixing up the blimp. The engine broke... {Schoolstar clicks on "Email"}

Dear Airstar,
How fast can your blimp fly?


SCHOOLSTAR SWIGGLE: How fast can Airstar's blimp fly? Oops. Forgot to type. {typing} How fast can Airstar's blimp fly? I guess sort of average speed. He's always trying to make it go faster though. That's why the engine broke.

{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand. Airstar is talking to Bubs.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: You cheapskate! That engine is only fifty bucks on blimpflyer.not!

BUBS: I'm not gonna lie to ya. This is a better engine.

AIRSTAR FLYER: No it's not! I know my blimp parts!

BUBS: Wow, you're hard to scam. Not like Homestar.

AIRSTAR FLYER: Homestar's an idiot, unlike me.

BUBS: Which is why I'm about to scam him.

{Bubs leaves the stand.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: Blimp engine, free for the taking. Hee hee!

{Airstar takes the engine and runs off. Cut to the computer room.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: {offscreen} I got the engine!


{Cut to the entire view of the computer room.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: Yeah. Got it from Bubs. Maybe with this we can go fast. Real fast!

SCHOOLSTAR SWIGGLE: Yeah, maybe. Just don't break the blimp again.

AIRSTAR FLYER: Yeah yeah. Let's get this thing installed!

{Airstar runs offscreen.}

SCHOOLSTAR SWIGGLE: The Chuck, ready to fix the blimp again?

{The Chuck walks in.}


{An explosion is heard. Airstar runs back in. He is on fire.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: Holy crap get it off! GET IT OFF!

{The Chuck gets a hose from offscreen and hoses down Airstar.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: Thanks The Chuck. Now I need to peel off the dead skin.

{Airstar limps offscreen.}

SCHOOLSTAR SWIGGLE: That wasn't very smart.

{Cut to the zoom in of the computer.}

SCHOOLSTAR SWIGGLE: {typing} So as you can see, I don't think we'll ever go any faster than this. But he keeps trying.

{Airstar's paper comes down. "Click here to email airstar@blimpflyer.not".}

WUqZFp I do`t see a feedback or the other coordinates from the blog administration!...

[edit] Fun Facts

Airstar stealing the engine is refrenced in later emails.

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