Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/ah, dag! you found me!

From Umcom


{We cut to a jail cell. Airstar and the gang are sleeping on the floor. The Skypy is nearby}

{Airstar wakes up.}

AIRSTAR:Ugg....ut-oh. I'm in a jail cell! My land-phobia is building up!

{A guard comes up to the jail cell.}

GUARD:Land phobia? Were in a plane!

AIRSTAR:Oh.I better think up a new rap, hmm....

{He goes up to the Skypy and sings}

AIRSTAR FLYER:Holy carp! Livin' in a jail cell! The Skypy's here because of the email!

AIRSTAR:Now to check an email.

Dear sweaty guy, With the summer months upon us, it's too hot to do anything. How about you jump into a cooool pooool. Chill'n That Goat Rambler

AIRSTAR:Um, first of all, it's Spring. Second of all, i'm in a jail cell. I can't jump into a coool poool. And how am i sweaty?

{The Goat Rambler comes in front of the jail cell.}

AIRSTAR:What are you doin' here?

THE GOAT RAMBLER:I'm here to break you out so you can jump into a coool poool.

AIRSTAR:Awesome! The Chuck! 107-Up! 1-Up clone! Depressing pile of crap! We can break out!

{Everybody gets up}


AIRSTAR:We can break out!


ALL:Yeah! Yay!

THE GOAT RAMBLERRR:Let's get outta here!

{The goat rambler tears the bars open}

{Then the gang go to the exit of the plane}

THE GOAT RAMBLER:This should be as easy as-

1-UP:{Offscreen} HOLY CARP! WHERE'S AIRTSTAR,SCHOOLSTAR,THE CHUCK,107-UP, AND C AND F CLONE-UP?!? {Panting} whew, that took alot of breath. SeNd......FoRcEs......

{A group of white and red Astromunds come up and point a gun at them.}

ASTROMUND 1:Stay back!

107-UP:Why should I?

{107-Up gets shot in the leg by one of the Astromunds}

107-UP:Aggg!!!!! Holy freakin' CRAP!


SCHOOLSTAR:That you shoot some one in the leg?

ASTROMUND THAT SHOT:When the have been annoying, yes.

THE CHUCK:That's it! Time to get my lolipop boomerang!

{The Chuck pulls out two lolipop boomerangs and throws them at the Astromunds}



{The gang jumps outta the plane}

{After 12 seconds they land on a tampoline and bounce over to the wreckadge of there blimp}


SCHOOLSTAR:Airstar, calm down,this is the ninth blimp you've gone through.

AIRSTAR:I guess...i'll get buildin' on the tenth blimp.....

{A screen comes up that says:"One hour later" and we cut to Airstar and the gang getting in a new blimp that looks exactlly the same as the last one. After 5 seconds, everyone's inside, (exept for 107-Up and clone-up. And they take off. the paper comes down}

{Then Homestar and 1-Up get out of there ship and shoot them down.Airstar falls and lands on the ground,unconious. An evil terrorist-like Homsar comes onscreen. The paper comes up}

HOMSAR:Foolish clone...thought he could escape eh? Well,lock im' in the brig.

1-UP:I'll do it.

(A huge beam from 1-Up's gun starts to send Airstar to the brig. Wich is the huge ship thing. Airstar keeps getting closer as the evil people speak.}

HOMSAR:I have a question. How many did you kill,and how many did you capture?

HOMESTAR:We only killed the ones that were poorly made,the good ones were captured.

{We zoom out to reaveal that Airstar is almost in the brig}

HOMSAR:Alright then. We can build an army out of the worthy ones. SEND THEM OUT!

{At this point Airstar is in the brig and when Homsar yells, "SEND THEM OUT!" a whole crowd of Homstar and 1-Up clones get beamed into the ship. The paper comes down.}

[edit] Fun Facts

This continues the crossover with Ekul's comics. The last scene is an actual comic, just textified.

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