Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Wedding

From Umcom

{Cut to Darknight hanging from the wall in Airstar's computer room with all the characters and Schoolstar and a pirate wolf and The Chuck looking at her. If you don't know what's goin' on, read the last email.}

DARKNIGHT:The truth is...I wanted to come here to create another evil plan to hurt or kill you.

AIRSTAR:What was it?

DARKNIGHT:Nothing. All it involved was a little steam.

{Cut to Darknight and Airstar in the feild. Darknight has a flamethrower and she starts shooting fire at Airstar. Cut back to the previous scene.}

DARKNIGHT:Really, it was nothing.

AIRSTAR:Okay. But Homestar,Bubs,Coach Z and Pom Pom are the FCUSA volentairy police and they're puttin' you behind bars! Not only you, but Aquacheat and Water Bad.

{Bubs and Homestar untie Darknight and "hand"cuff her and take her away. Pom Pom and Coach Z take Aquacheat and Water Bad away.}

AIRSTAR:Now get out of my house all of you maim characters!

{They all walk away. Airstar goes to check his email. Cut to a close shot. He clicks on the email icon.}

AIRSTAR:Email to the left and the right, up and down, all around!

Dar Airstar,
our wedding will be scheduled on the 3:00.
be there!
From your to be wife.


{He clicks on the link and sees the picture of the bride.}

AIRSTAR:Oh no...it's all coming back to me. That time she woke me up after they beat me in that french prison. I was woken up by her.

{Cut to Airstar waking up in a prison cell with Garbochov, (click the link)}

GARBOCHOV:{Weird voice} DO YOU WAAAAANT SOME HELPPP???/11111!!!1231$#%7DGFIOS7D6R09T8WYEFIUDS6F876E4Y5IUTYEIRUTYODS876T98GF7DSTGUIWE5489U8349T()(()(_()_i oIHEJFODIAUSDPOFIUPoiuP90809*0(*)(*&)(*&987?

AIRSTAR:{Voiceover} I was beaten so badly, I couldn't think straight.

AIRSTAR:No, babe. I'm so fiiiine.

{Cut back to Airstar.}

AIRSTAR:And then somehow I promised her we'd get married. How do I get out of this?


{Airstar turns around. Cut to a wide shot.}

THE CHUCK:Mom and dad have been waiting since you were a little boy for you to get married.

AIRSTAR:Yeah, and I could tell her to shave her moustache...hmmm...she'd live here with you guys...I could tell Schoolstar there's no space...so Schoolstar would leave...IT'S PERFECT! I might marry Garbochov!

{Homsar44withpie walks in.}

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:You know, she's my mom.


HOMSAR44:Yeppzers. Yeppity. Yeeeep. Yep. Yes. Yorg. Bolivia.

:AIRSTAR:A shut up! You won't beat me up for marrying her will you?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Noppers. I've waited a long time for her to take the plunge. The dive. The ultra super fun for kids ultra super fun slide dive ultra extreme MEGA OH MY GOD THIS IS SO FREAKIN' FUN I COULD DO EVEN IF MY SPLEEN WAS CHOPPED IN HALF SUPER FUN ULTRA OKAY DIVE!

AIRSTAR:Quiet time.

{Homsar44withpie walks offscreen with his head bowed.}

AIRSTAR:Man. I think I may do this. So three o'clock she said, we gotta hurry! It's 1:15!

{Cut to a tuxedo store. Airstar is in front of a mirror and Schoolstar, The Chuck and Bubs are behind him, watching. He has a white tuxedo on. Cut. Now he has a purple tuxedo on. Cut. Now he has a spacesuit on. Cut. Now he has a santa costume on. Cut. Now he has his D.B. Cooper outfit on from Halloween. Cut. He has the purple tux on again. Cut. He has the white tux on.}

AIRSTAR:This is good.

BUBS:It looks horrible on you. Should I ring it up?

AIRSTAR:Yes, please.

AIRSTAR:So who's the husband?

AIRSTAR:Oh she's Garbochov.

{Airstar's cellphone rings. He picks it up.}

AIRSTAR:Hello? I know! Right? I'm getting married! Who did you hear from? Her? Darknight? That's kinda weird...anyway i'll see you at the wedding at 3:00. Bye mom.

{He hangs it up.}

AIRSTAR:Well, let's go.

{Cut to the feild. Airstar is standing near the cleric. With The Chuck at his side.}

THE CHUCK:Thanks for letting me be your best man.

AIRSTAR:No problem, The Chuck. You've helped me alot these past few years.

{Cut to a flashback of Schoolstar in the blimp.}

SCHOOLSTAR SWIGGLE: The Chuck, ready to fix the blimp again?

{The Chuck walks in.}


{An explosion is heard. Airstar runs back in. He is on fire.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: Holy crap get it off! GET IT OFF!

{The Chuck gets a hose from offscreen and hoses down Airstar. Cut to another flashback where Airstar is reading an email from "Lover of Airstar".}

AIRSTAR FLYER: {typing} Well, Lover of Airstar, it's because I'm... {A tear appears in Airstar's eyes, and he becomes sad.} Unpopular.

{Airstar starts crying. Cut to the view of the entire computer room. The Chuck is there.}

THE CHUCK: There there, Airstar. It's okay. Will a lollipop make you feel better?

AIRSTAR FLYER: {sniffling} No, but thanks. Why am I, of all people, unpopular?

THE CHUCK: I wouldn't know.

{Airstar starts crying again.}

THE CHUCK: No, stop Airstar! I know, I know.

AIRSTAR FLYER: {sniffling} This is why I love you The Chuck. Come on to my lap.

{The Chuck jumps onto Airstar's lap. The Chuck starts purring.}

AIRSTAR FLYER: I didn't know you could purr.

{We go to a flashback where you see Airstar's father, Oxygenstar Flyer, and Airstar's mother, Breathstar Flyer. They both are white and where white clothes, and little Airstar is right next to Oxygenstar. There in the blimp}

LIL' AIRSTAR:Daddy, i want a pet.


{Airstar jumps out of the blimp}


{Cut to Airstar falling down. He lands on ground}

{The Chuck comes onscreen.}

LIL'AIRSTAR:Wah! Who are you?

LIL'THE CHUCK:I don't have a name. Name me!

LIL' AIRSTAR:Um, The......Chuck? Yeah, The Chuck.

LIL' THE CHUCK:Yay! I'm the Chuck and i like lolipops.

LIL'AIRSTAR:Do you wanna come in my blimp?


AIRSTAR:{Overvoice} i also met li'l Strong Bad.

{Li'l Strong Bad comes in.}

LI'L STRONG BAD:Hey you losers! Wanna go throw eggs at Homestar?

LI'L AIRSTAR:You know what I heard he hates more than eggs? Marshmallows.

LI'L STRONG BAD:Of course! He'll hate those! See ya!

{He runs off. They both start giggling.}

{They walk off}

LIL' THE CHUCK:{Offscreen} What's a blimp.......?

{Cut to 107-Up,Airstar and The Chuck in a plane with two white and red astromunds pointing guns at them.}

ASTROMUND 1:Stay back!

107-UP:Why should I?

{107-Up gets shot in the leg by one of the Astromunds}

107-UP:Aggg!!!!! Holy freakin' CRAP!


SCHOOLSTAR:That you shoot some one in the leg?

ASTROMUND THAT SHOT:When the have been annoying, yes.

THE CHUCK:That's it! Time to get my lolipop boomerang!

{The Chuck pulls out two lolipop boomerangs and throws them at the Astromunds}



{The gang jumps outta the plane)

{Cut to Airstar and The Chuck in Strong Bad's computer room.}

AIRSTAR:Ok, The Chuck! I have "Walking on Sunshine" stuck in my head. {Singing} I'm walkin' on sunshine! OH OH-

THE CHUCK:Meh! Don't sing so loud!

{Strong Bad comes in.}


AIRSTAR:Let's go The Chuck!

{They both run away}


{Cut to Airstar talking to The Chuck ina hole with the Skypy sitting on a rock.}

AIRSTAR:Goggle report, The Chuck?

THE CHUCK:Meh! The goggles are still way up. Which is causing problems with us trying to get outta here. Also, Strong Sad has been cursed. By Nassis. They're like Nazis but, not. They hate a different kind of people. Guys that are of Homestar descent. So, every guy that is related to Homestar Runner.

AIRSTAR:Hey, the TAKS test asked me if I heard of the Nassis. Maybe he's a part of it.

THE CHUCK:The president is Darknight Creeper.


THE CHUCK:The vice president is Water Bad. The secratary of state is Strong Bad. And the Secratary of defense is the TAKS test.

AIRSTAR:I knew it!

THE CHUCK:They're celabrating his 300th birthday today, March 2nd, 2007.

AIRSTAR:You are like an information machine, The Chuck.

{Cut to Airstar looking out the window in his blimp.}

THE CHUCK:Airstar? What the freak are you doin' inebriated jerksicle?

AIRSTAR:I'm worried that FCUSA will be destroyed by the StrongBadains. What'll I do?

THE CHUCK:Do it anyway!

AIRSTAR:You're right Chucksie! The important thing is that! We need about 1 billion schallion tillion caffalion shappashapdoo...illion, soldiers.

THE CHUCK:How about 30?


{Cut back to the wedding. Garbachov is coming up the carpet with her father and she walks in front of Airstar.}


{Everyone starts making confused faces.}

THE CLERIC:Uh...anyway, today we are gathered here to witness the joining of two couples who met in a french prison. So, who's got the ring?


THE CLERIC:Sorry. The wedding necklace since she doesn't have arms.

{Airstar looks a little nervous. He grabs the necklace from The Chuck and puts it on Garbochof's neck.}

AIRSTAR:{Now I remember the terrible voice she had. Yikes.}

THE CLERIC:Do you, Garbachov Eastin Lols, takes this, Airstar Leo Flyer, as your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and health, until something better comes along?


THE CLERIC:And do you, Airstar Leo Flyer, takes this, Garbochov Eastin Lols, as your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and health, until something better comes along?

AIRSTAR:Uhh...I uhh...


AIRSTAR:I...{Gulps} do.

GARBACHOV:You may now kiss the bride.

{Garbachov and Airstar shake "hands". Everyone starts cheering. Cut to the reception. Airstar and Garbachov are sitting at a table with The Chuck,Schoolstar,Strong Bad,Homestar and Bubs.}

BUBS:So what's his name again?

AIRSTAR:Her name's Garbachov.


AIRSTAR:Anyway, it was a hard decision-

GARBACHOV:IT WAS AN EASY DECISION!!4#4#@63&%^4765846579848&*(&(9*)98]}]]]]!111!

AIRSTAR:Easiest decision i've ever made.

HOMESTAR:Yeah. I had to forwce Strongy to come hewe.

AIRSTAR:Well it was worth it, I guess.

STRONG BAD:Well that's just peachy, but we gotta bolt.

{They both run off. Cut to Airstar in his bed. He's having a dream. Cut to to older versions of him and Garbachof in an old blimp.}

OLD AIRSTAR:I don't understand, Garbachof. What did I do wrong?

OLD GARBACHOF:YOU TALKED DURING THE MOVIE7E98609876E98FGIUYSGDF98A7OW40978YTWUIOTR&(*&^09*&-*()&_()7_08&09*&0(*&)(87)9*&

{Airstar wakes up.}

AIRSTAR:AHHH! Have I made the worst decision of my life?

{The paper comes down.}

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