Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Red Coin

From Umcom

FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2007

{Airstar clicks on the email icon}

AIRSTAR:Emails have class! The class of da masters!

AGGGGGHBLBLBLBLBL. This is the Mushroom Embassy, regretting to inform you, that you have lost a red coin. You will be fined for no reason. -Watteson Kurinashu Toadyton Zubambe Jonessers Grephidus Nackella Jr. the 193,394th

AIRSTAR:OH NO! THE RED COIN! I thought I had it so greatly protected! I must venture to the Mushroom Embassy! Thanks Watteson Kurinashu Todayton Zubamabe Jonessers Grephidus Nackella Jr. the 193,394th. I got that coin in the Video game parody district in FCUSA! I must 'venture to Japan to find it!


{Airstar turns to The Chuck. Cut to wide shot.}

THE CHUCK:But they just said you lost it! Not that it's at the Mushroom Embassy!

AIRSTAR:Yeah, and they also said they'd fine me.

{Toad enters the room.}

TOAD:Here's you're fine of 700 yen!

AIRSTAR:I'm not from Japan. So do I pay you 700 dollars?

TOAD:I guess.

AIRSTAR:THAT'S OUTRAGOUS! I will talk to the president of the Mushroom Embassy!

TOAD:You don't know who he is, or where he is!

{Airstar turns to his computer. After 15 seconds he turns back.}

AIRSTAR:His name is Boswerusu Kapmempusetu Mariokiloous Gumballdasu. And it's in, Trenton, New Jersey?


AIRSTAR:It also says that lost red coins may be found and sold to Korean gangsters.

TOAD:Well that's not true, maybe, anyway, pay the 700 bucks!

AIRSTAR:No way fattyface! I will go to Trenton!

TOAD:But, i'm here!

{Airstar kicks him off the blimp.}



{Cut to the blimp landing in a city. The gang gets out. Close up.}

AIRSTAR:We're here! And just in time! Let's fight these Goombas!

{Goombas start walking towards him. He kicks them until they all die. He walks to a coin block and kciks the coins out of it. He then runs into Marzipan.}

MARZIPAN:Hey Airstar!

AIRSTAR:Hey. Look, I need to get to the mushroom embassy. So, move, please.

MARZIPAN:After I ask these questions three will you be able to pass.


MARZIPAN:Number 1, what do you think the next question will be?

AIRSTAR:About dolphins.

MARZIPAN:Correct! Number two. Do you like Dolphins?



AIRSTAR:NO! I love them very much.

MARZIPAN:Okay! Number three, does this dress make me look fat?


MARZIPAN:Okay you can pass.

{Then he jumps up and gains wings from a music block. He flys and flys t'ill he lands on a brick platform. Then a korean gangster runs with a red coin.}

AIRSTAR:OMG! He has my red coin!

{He starts running after him. He jumps from block to block, fighting goombas and jumping over mushrooms. He reaches the black background with the block that randomizes the rewards.}

AIRSTAR:Give me back my coin, guy!

KOREAN GANGSTER:{Thick Korean accent} I will defeat you!

{He jumps up to the randomizer block and teleports to level 2.}

AIRSTAR:Crapdumb! I gotta get to level 2 somehow, oh, right.

{He jumps up and teleports to level 2. Cut to Airstar entering level 2. He sees Luigi.}

AIRSTAR:Hey Luigi.I need you to get back my red coin from that Korean gangster.

LUIGI:You have to get-a to level 10-a to talk to the embassy-a!


{2 Months later. Airstar is at the embassy. It's a large castle with flags all over it.}

AIRSTAR:Finally...{Panting} I made it....the June bugs started to annoy me. Now to go.....in.

{Cut to a bunch of Nintendo characters sitting in desks similiar to the U.N.}

AIRSTAR:Fellow game stars, except Yoshi.

YOSHI:Hey! I stared in Yoshi's Story for the N64!

AIRSTAR:You mean the WORST NINTENDO GAME IN HISTORY?! That doesn't count. Now, a korean gangster stole my red coin! And you guys wanna fine me 700 dollars for losing it! Where's Watteson Kurinashu Toadyton Zubambe Jonessers Grephidus Nackella Jr. the 193,394th?


AIRSTAR:You, my friend are an imbusule! You emailed me bout this outrage! Jeez. What do you think of this Mr.Gumballdassu?

MR. GUMBALLDASSU:It outrage! You will only be fined 699 yen! Or dollars. Or pesos. Or pencil shavings. Whatever works.

AIRSTAR:That's only one dollar less. I want at least...678 less. At least. 699 tops.

MR.GUMBALLDASSU:Fine. You have to pay, 7 dollars.

{Audience gasps.}

AIRSTAR:Kay. I will. Here.

{He gives Mr.Gumballdassu the money.}

AIRSTAR:Now to somehow go back to April and never refrence my Red coin again. Wait, where's my red coin?

{The korean gangster comes and gives him the red coin.}

AIRSTAR:Thanks, man!

{Cut back to the Skypy.}

AIRSTAR:What an extremely coincedental adventure. Everything's neatly wrapped up. I'm white.

{Strong Bad comes up to Airstar.}


AIRSTAR:What are you doing here? You're not a game star!

STRONG BAD:Yeah I am. I starred in Rhinofeeder,Secret Collect and Thy Stinko-man 2003.


STRONG BAD:Now I can make video game related decisions. Like, you're gonna pay every cent of the rest of that fine, or I 'm gonna beat the crap outta you!


{The paper comes down.}

[edit] Fun Facts

Toad is a character from the Mario series, who is supposed to be Peach's servant or something.

Yen is the form of currency in Japan, which is where Nintendo games are made.

Trenton, New Jersey is the capital of New Jersey.

Goombas are enemies in the Mario series. They made their first appearence in "Super Mario Brothers 1".

Marzipan's question bit was a refrence to "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" when the brave knights try to go across a bridge.

Luigi is Mario's brother.

Yoshi is a green dinosaur that Mario likes to ride sometimes.

Thy Stinkoman 2003 is an RPG on this wiki.

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