Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Mutate

From Umcom

{Airstar clicks on the email icon.}

AIRSTAR:{Singing} I couldn't check my email in jail, SO SHUT UP!

Comma es llama?
I dare you to mutate anyone!
Be sure to clone them do you
done mess up the original!
Me, ME!!

AIRSTAR:Mutating? Hmm...from what I understand, "Me, ME!!" Means to mutate you. I was in a french prison for a month and half for damaging the Eiffel tower, so...i'm not sure if they developed a way to clone and mutate people over that period of time. I don't know who you are someone, but I guess I can go to history on the Airstar emails talk page and see who added that.

{He closes out of the email and clicks on the internet icon. He types in "www.hrwiki.org" and then clicks on "fanstuff" once he gets to the knowledge base. Once he gets to the fanstuff, you see in the corner his name is "Airstar2477827". He clicks on "Other Character fanstuff" and scrolls down to "Fake Character Fanstuff" and clicks on "Fake Character Emails", and then scrolls down to "Airstar emails" and then clicks on "talk" and then clicks on "History", and finds out that X66X66 edited it and added that email. He then brings the email back up.}

AIRSTAR:Well X66X66, that's too hard to say, so i'm going to say the exaxt opposite. Anyway C33C33, I will need you to come over here. I'll wait.

{He puts his legs on his desk and turns on the radio. "Boulevard of broken dreams" starts playing.}

AIRSTAR:I'm so sick of this song.

{He changes it to "Because it's midnite!".}

AIRSTAR:That's good.

{He waits a few seconds and then the screen fades to the words "20 minutes later". Cut to him sleeping in front on the ground in the computer room. Schoolstar walks in.}


{Airstar wakes up.}


SCHOOLSTAR:What are you talking about?

AIRSTAR:Is C33C33 here?


AIRSTAR:He prolly chickened out. Don't worry America!

SCHOOLSTAR:And citizens of other countries on this wiki!

{"Canada,Australia,Brazil,New Zealand,Germany,Sweden,Poland and Venuzula" all quickly roll down the screen.}

AIRSTAR:I will mutate somebody else! Like uh...

{Cut to a stand in the feild. The sign says "Mutating 23$" Airstar is behind the counter.}


{Homsar walks by.}

HOMSAR:AaAaAAaAaAah! My caligraphy needs the mutatated shoeprint!

AIRSTARI'm gonna take that as a "I wanna be mutated".

{Cut to Airstar with a fake moustache on coming up to Bubs' conncession stand with Homsar following.}

AIRSTAR:Hello, there. My name is uh...

{Airstar looks around and sees the sky.}


{Then he sees Homesta's shirt.}


{He then sees Coach Z in a pilot costume.}

COACH Z:Is this good for H-ween?

AIRSTAR:Flyer! Airstar Flyer. Wait...


AIRSTAR:No! I'm...

{He looks at montesodium school.}


{Then he looks at Brad Pitt walking down the red carpet.}


{Then he looks at a hobo holding up a sign that says "Squiggle".}

AIRSTAR:Squiggle! Schoolstar Squiggle.

BUBS:Oh, okay. What do you want?

AIRSTAR:I would like a mutating machine for my...moustache.

BUBS:Schoolstar, you do have a nice moustache!

{Bubs goes out the back exit and walks toward Airstar with a big tube with lights and buttons.}

BUBS:Here it is. This is the newest model. It was made in 2006.

AIRSTAR:How much?

BUBS:Oh, about 600,000.



AIRSTAR:Have any cheaper ones, maybe in the 100-400 dollar price range?

BUBS:Well, yeah. But it's very,VERY old. It mutated the elaphant man. Before that he was suprisingly handsome.

{Cut to a handsome man in a tux in the 1800s. He has girls around him. He's at a store with a man polishing an iron, outhouse looking contraption.}

JOSEPH MERRICK:Oh, man my face is beatiful!

GIRL:Yes it is, Joseph!

JOSEPH MERRICK:Excuse me ladies, I have to go to the bathroom.

{Joseph goes inside the old mutating machine.}

MAN:Don't go in there!

{You hear electric shock noises. He comes out with an extremely dephormed, huge head with his eyes spread, and with a gigantic hand.}


JOSEPH:What? Did the burn really affect my face?

{Cut back to Bubs and Airstar and Homsar.}

BUBS:Let me get it out.

{He goes back to the back and comes out with the outhouse looking thing.}

AIRSTAR:We'll take it!

{Bubs hands pushes the machine over to Airstar and Airstar hands him cash. Schoolstar comes.}


{Both Bubs and Airstar's eyes widen. Cut to Airstar in his blimp next to his desk with a stitches on his forehead. He has the mutating machine right next to him.}

AIRSTAR:Alright. Let's mutate Homsar!

{The Chuck comes in.}

THE CHUCK:But if didn't C33C33 say not to mutate the original?

AIRSTAR:Dangit! Okay. Let's go get a cloning machine.

{Cut to Airstar in a moustache at Bubs' stand.}

AIRSTAR WITH MOUSTACHE:Oh, hello. My name is...Mr.Hoag. I would like a cloning device.

BUBS:Sure thing, Mr.Hoag!

{Airstar with a beard comes up to Airstar with a moustache.}


MR.HOAG:Hello, there.

AIRSTAR B/W BEARD:Who is this guy?

BUBS:He's Mr.Hoag. He's purchasing a cloning device.

AIRSTAR B/W BEARD:But i'm buying a cloning device!

BUBS:Well he got here first. It's the last one, ever since that new trend.

AIRSTAR B/W BEARD:What new trend?

{Homestar walks up to him.}

HOMESTAR:Hey cousin types!

{Another Homestar walks up to him.}

HOMESTAR CLONE:Hey cousin types!

{We zoom out to see an army of twenty Homestar clones.}

ALL HOMESTAR CLONES:Hey, cousin types!


{Zoom back in.}

MR.HOAG:When will I get my cloning device!?


{Airstar goes to the back of Bubs' stand and comes out with an empty Cold Ones bottle.}

AIRSTAR:It's go time!

MR.HOAG:But i'm just a sixth grade science teacher, I don't fight.

AIRSTAR:You do now!

{He smashes the bottle on the counter and charges at Mr.Hoag who avoids it, and then Airstar bashes him over the head with it. Mr.Hoag falls down.}

AIRSTAR:Yes! Where's that cloning device?


{He lifts up a large machine with a door and puts it outside.}



BUBS:You're welcome sir! What's your name?

AIRSTAR:Oh! Uhh...

{Airstar sees a guy with a nametag that says "Leonardo"}


{He sees Homestar and Coach Z arguing.}

HOMESTAR:But Einstein split the atom!



{He sees a sign that says "Vinci 8,000 miles"}

AIRSTAR:Vinci! Leonardo DaVinci!

BUBSOkay! Here you go!

{He rolls the cloning device out on a dolly. Leonardo DaVinci walks up to Bubs.}


{Airstar runs away. Cut to the computer room with Airstar,The Chuck,Schoolstar and Homsar. Homsar is in the cloning device. Airstar is holding a button.}

AIRSTAR:Okay. All I need to do is mash go.

{Airstar mashes go and Homsar becomes two.}

AIRSTAR:There we go.

{Clone Homsar walks out.}


AIRSTAR:Sweet! Now get in the discount mutating machine.

{Homsar wobbles over to the mutating machine and walks in the door. You hear zapping noises and see light eminating from the cracks. Airstar and the others back off. Then evrything stops and Homsar walks out. His torso and head are now shaped to be a salt shaker.}


THE CHUCK:MEH HEH HEH HEH! It looks...MEH HEH HEH HEH like a salt shaker!

{After a while, they stop laughing.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Wow. What to do with you?

HOMESTAR:{Offscreen, faint} Oh cwap. We're out of salt. {Unintelligible}.


{Cut to Strong Bad and The Cheat sitting in a booth at "Marshmallow's Last Stand". Homestar comes as a waiter.}

HOMESTAR:Hello thewe, gentlemen. Would you like some appEtisews?

STRONG BAD:We asked for the check ten minutes ago, moron.

HOMESTAR:Oh of couwse!

{He puts down the booklet.}

HOMESTAR:Also, would you like some salt with that?

{He takes out the deformed Homsar clone and starts shaking salt out of it's head. Strong Bad and The Cheat start cracking up. Cut to Airstar at his Skypy.}

AIRSTAR:So there you go, C33C33. All you need to get some salt! Until next time, egh-

{Airstar gets tapped on the shoulder by a finger. Airstar turns around to see X66X66, who looks like a human with a black hoodie with blue jeans and brown hair.}

X66X66:I'm here to get mutated.

AIRSTAR:Whoa, that's what you look like?

X66X66:Didn't you see my YouTube video?

AIRSTAR:No. Neither did anyone else in the world.

X66X66:Anyway, mutate me!

AIRSTAR:But, I think we're out of time.

X66X66:This isn't TV!

AIRSTAROh yeah. Um...

{Airstar gets up. He pushes X66x66 into the mutating booth}


{You hear electricuting noises and X66x66 screaming. It stops, and he comes out looking like a can of soda.}


X66X66:I told you to clone me, moron!

AIRSTAR:Sorry. But i'm not sorry about the great taste of X66x66 Colatm!

{Airstar takes out a stamp and stamps the "X66x66 Cola" logo on his hoodie. The text is green with black edges.}

AIRSTAR:Remember, X66x66 Cola tastes better than Dr.TheDenzel. Don't drink that.

{"*Available in stores riiiiight...NOW!" appears at the bottom of the screen. The paper comes down.}

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