Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Mission?
From Umcom
{We start at Airstar at his computer he clicks on the email icon.}
AIRSTAR:So send me something to belieeeeeeeeeve! Because I need an email just to breeeeeeeeeeeathe!
FroggerMemo:Important MissionDear FroggerMember 12347 Name Designate Airstar Flyer,
The Frogstar Scouts Classes B and D have turned on us and have captured the President.
They have taken control of the Neonazis, The Living Infomercials, and The TurnipMasters.
The SaladVikings are currently searching for the rouge Frogstar Scouts' base.
You are to help the SaladVikings on their quest.
Be warned. The Frogstar Scouts are very insane.
You must find the SaladVikings by an hour after receiving this email, or you will be fired. Out of a cannon. Into the sun.
Included is a program designed to track both the SaladVikings and the FroggerScouts.
Only your computer has the programs necessary to run it.
You will be of great help to the SaladVikings.
-Lord HomfrogAttachment: svkfgstracker.exe
AIRSTAR:{Pause for about 20 seconds.} No.
{Airstar gets up. Zoom out. He opens a vault and slides down to the control room. He sees Schoolstar flying the blimp.}
AIRSTAR:Hey. Whatcha doin'?
SCHOOLSTAR:Flyiing the blimp.
AIRSTAR:That's cool. I'll be back.
{Cut to Airstar and Homestar sitting at a both in Marshmallow's last stand.}
AIRSTAR:...Uhhh...recently, I got this, email. Somethin' about Frogs, Letters, Dreams, Anti-semites, Commercials, plants and the sun. And, if this was like, email 65 I woulda been like,
{Cut to Airstar with a moustache at the computer.}
AIRSTAR:Man, I am totally and ALWAYS have been with the Froggers and I must spend this entire season stopping them from turning against the classes and finding President Obama or President McCain and then restore their normalcy so I don't get shot into the sun!
{Cut back to Airstar and Homestar in Marshmallow's Last Stand.}
AIRSTAR:Apparently i'm gonna have a moustache by email 65, but anyway, I just got out of a major plot, and so...I don't wanna get into another two emails later! What am I gonna do? I don't wanna be shot out of a cannon into the sun!
HOMESTAR:First of all, why did you say President Obama or President McCain?
AIRSTAR:Because I would never try to save President Bush, plus one of those men will probably be president by the time I get to email 65. But please try to stay on task, what am I gonna do?
HOMESTAR:Maybe you should throw a trashcan at them!
HOMESTAR:I dunno, I just like throwing trashcans at things i'm trying to get away from. Roll tape.
{Cut to Homestar in the field being chased by Strong Bad, who has scar on his face.}
{He runs by Strongbadia and grabs a trashcan and throws it at Strong Bad, and it covers his head and he runs trips over the stick as Homestar gets away.}
{Cut back to the two of them.}
HOMESTAR:See? Effective.
AIRSTAR:Naah...they have a cannon! I have an aluminum trash can! Plus, these days, most trashcans aren't even aluminum! They're plastic!
{Strong Sad walks up with the waiter otifit on.}
STRONG SAD:What would you two gentlepeople like?
HOMESTAR:I'll have the Marshmallow Bisque.
STRONG SAD:We no longer serve that.
HOMESTAR:Oh. Oh, I see.
{He throws a trashcan at him.}
AIRSTAR:Well, i've got an idea worthy of Steven Spielberg himself. I mean, it's the 00s! It's hammer time!
HOMESTAR:What are you gonna do?
AIRSTAR:I'm going to confuse them so much they'll have to leave!
{Cut to inside Airstar's blimp. Men with frog suits jump in with "D"s and "B"s on their outfits.}
FROGSTAR WHATEVER THINGY:Man, where is Airstar? We need to fire him out of a canon into the sun.
{Airstar comes in with a skeleton Halloween costume on with a Santa hat and holding a turkey.}
AIRSTAR:Merry Halloween you guys! Now let's eat this turkey because it's Thanksgiving.
{Airstar pulls out a 12-guage shotgun and shoots them all.}
AIRSTAR:There we go. The day is once more.
{Schoolstar comes in.}
SCHOOLSTAR:I thought you were gonna confuse them and then they'd leave! But when you started to confuse them, you shot them all!
AIRSTAR:It was easier. Now can you help me take care of these bodies? I need to go down to Mexico so Mexistar can taker care of them.
SCHOOLSTAR:Sure, i'll come. Got nothing else to do.
{Strong Bad comes in.}
STRONG BAD:I'm coming too. I want to see if Fabrosi is doin' well.
{Cut to Airstar's blimp flying over a fence with a sign saying, "Welcome to Mexico! Second-Hand smoke capital of the world" Cut to Airstar, Schoolstar and Strong Bad walking up to Mexistar's Body Disposal company.}
AIRSTAR:Olah, amigo. {He takes out a couple of garbage bags.} Here are bodies. Bodies here.
MEXISTAR:Si. Lo haré tengo gusto de mi grande - abuelo de combate para nuestro país en la guerra impresionante con la glándula de herradura 2009 del parque del agua de Sinatra del roedor pasado de la salmuera de los cangrejos tan del volcán.
AIRSTAR:I agree.
{Mexistar picks up the bags and throws them behind him. Then suddenly, ET and Alien Hominid jump up from behind him with lasers.}
SCHOOLSTAR:Ahh! ET, Alien Hominid, I thought I killed you guys in email 26!
ET:ET find-{Switches to normal voice.} We hate you.
ALIEN HOMINID:Yeah, and we'll reveal your hiding of Highly-Classified government aliens to the public, and then you will be sent to Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. Unless, you do what we say.
STRONG BAD:What do you want? Because if it's Fabrosi then no deal.
ET:We want to seize control of Mexico. Lead us to President Felipe Calderon!
{Cut to Felipe Calderon's office. ET and Alien Hominid are pointing lasers at him, while Airstar and the other two just stand by.}
ET:Listen Senor Presidente', we want control of Mexico!
{He leaves.}
AIRSTAR:Who are you people?
ET:We work with the Frogstar classes D and B, so I guess they've also taken control of Mexico.
STRONG BAD:You aliens can have Mexico, but if you go near America, we'll wish we had more troops here than in Iraq and you'll be sorry!
{Cut to Airstar, Schoolstar and Strong Bad in his TV room.}
AIRSTAR:Well, it all worked out in the end.
STRONG BAD:Not really.
{The paper comes down.}