Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/In a tree?!

From Umcom

{Cut to Airstar in the blimp garage. The blimp from last email is done.}

AIRSTAR:Finally. It's done. Now to make it, TAKE OFF!

{Airstar presses a button. The blimp zooms outta the garage before Airstar can get on.}

AIRSTAR:Dang it! I need that blimp!

{Airstar starts running. Cut to the blimp zooming across the feild. Airstar is running right behind it. He jumps inside it. Cut to Airstar sitting down at his computer. He clicks on the email icon.}


Dear Airstar,
It's me! Schoolstar!
I'm still alive!
When the blimp caught on fire, I jumped out and landed in a tree!
Please come and get me down. Sincerely, Schoolstar.


{Airstar gets up and runs. Cut to the feild. He runs and runs until he says Schoolstar in a tree.}

AIRSTAR:Hey Schoolstar! It's me Airstar!

SCHOOLSTAR:{Rough voice with a lisp} Hey Airstar!

AIRSTAR:Uh, {He pulls Schoolstar down. It's really a badly made Schoolstar costume.}

AIRSTAR:Who are you?

"SCHOOLSTAR":I'm Schoolstaw! Who do you think I am?

{Airstar pulls off the mask. It's really Badstar.}


BADSTAR:I wanted to cheer you up! You were crying at the end of the last email!

AIRSTAR:You're an idiot! I'm gonna ki-wait, the 4th Wall police are coming for you!


{Some SWAT looking guys come and jump on Badstar and take him away. They have F.W.P. on there vests.}

AIRSTAR:SWAT looking guys? You're good at describing things, MikeControl.

MIKECONTROL:{Offscreen} Shut up! The F.W.P. are comin' at you!

AIRSTAR:AHHH! {Airstar runs away. Cut to Airstar walking in the blimp. He sits down on the stool. He gets a cold one from under the desk. He starts drinking it.}


AIRSTAR:What the f-

SCHOOLSTAR'S VOICE:Airstar! Look to the right!

{Airstar turns his head left.}

SCHOOLSTAR'S VOICE:The other right!

{Airstar turns his head right. Cut to Schoolstar's ghost standing on the floor with Yoda's ghost and Obi-Wan's ghost next to him.}

SCHOOLSTAR'S GHOST:S is real 2001!

YODA'S GHOST:Yes, real 2001 S is!

AIRSTAR:What does it mean, Schoolstar and Yoda?

SCHOOLSTAR'S GHOST:I can't tell you. But I can give you a hint. S and S and C is real and back 2001.

YODA'S GHOST:Yes,is real and back 2001 S and S and C.

AIRSTAR:That doesn't make any sense.

OBI WAN'S GHOST:Think about it, boy. Think about it.




{They fade away.}

AIRSTAR:S and S and C? I know S and C stands for Schoolstar and Chuck, but what's with the extra S?

{A mailman with the nametag, "Kyle Westwood" comes in with a package.}

KYLE WESTWOOD:Hello, sir. You can give me that expensive lamp over there for a day with Fara Faucet.

AIRSTAR:I'll keep the lamp.

KYLE WESTWOOD:You coulda sacrificed you're lamp for-

AIRSTAR:Get out.

{Kyle leaves.}

AIRSTAR:Stupid Kyle. How'd he get in my blimp? But that ghost encounter was spooky. I should call Ghost Hunters! You know, those people from the Sci-Fi channel!

{Airstar picks up the phone. He dials something. Cut to some people with equipment with shirts that says "T.A.P.S." on them. They are in Airstar's blimp talking to him.}

TAPS GUY:Name's Jason. I'm the 1st Lead Investigator This is Grant, my partner.

GRANT:Hey. I'm Grant the 2nd Lead investigator.

JASON:That's Steve, our techy.


JASON:That's Dustin, our other Techy.

DUSTIN:How's it goin'?

JASON:Over there is Andy, who is just an Investigator.


JASON:And that's Dave. Our investigator in training.

DAVE:I'm new!

JASON:So what paranormal activity is goin' on here?

AIRSTAR:I had a conversation with the ghosts of my dead, 16 year old relative and Yoda and Obi-Wan. I hear noises and talking, and screaming since he died in a fire. So I want you juys to investigate for me.

JASON:We will. Donna said this would be good.

{Homestar walks up to TAPS.}

HOMESTAR:Woah! Can I help you guys?


HOMESTAR:Cool. I'm gonna be a Ghost huntew!

JASON:Yeah. Cool. Well, we don't need two techies, so, leave Steve!


{He jumps outta the blimp.}

JASON:Uh...you can be with Dave. Homestar, you're our new Investigator in training!

HOMESTAR:YAY! I'm a tap!

JASON:Sure. Let's get the equipment set up.

{The screen fades to "The Investigation-The Haunted Blimp 9:30 PM-3:00 AM" Cut to Jason and Grant in the computer room holding recorders.}

JASON:We're holding recorders to see if we can't catch any EVPs. Or Electronic Voice Phenomenons. We listen to these later to pick up things not heard by the human ear. Let me sit on this chair.

{Jason sits down.}

JASON:I'm feeling a cold spot right here. It's kinda brushing up against me. It's weird.

{Grant gets out a detector}

GRANT:There's a 2.5 over where you are. That's weird.


GRANT:2.7, 2.9, 2.11, 1.0.

JASON:It's gone.

{Cut to Homestar and Dave in Schoolstar's room in the dark.}

HOMESTAR:Okay, let's see if we can't talk with him. Turn on the EVP device.

DAVE:Kay'. I'm new!

{Dave takes out the recorder and holds it up.}

HOMESTAR:So, ghostie types, what's up?

DAVE:No, you idiot! What's you're name? Why are you here? I'm new!

HOMESTAR:Want some cream soda or somethin'?

DAVE:Shut up! I'm new!

HOMESTAR:I know that. Jeez.

DAVE:Now let's get out the heat sensor.

{He get out the heat censor and he sees the room in a buncha different little heat colors on the screen. He sees a Schoolstar shaped red thing on the bed.}

DAVE:Look at that!

HOMESTAR:OMG it's a ghost! It looks like Schoolstaw!

DAVE:Are you on the bed?

{Homestar sits on the bed. He gets pushed off by nothing.}

DAVE:What the (HECK!)

HOMESTAR:I felt him!

DAVE:Wow, that is somethin'.

{Walking noises are heard.}

HOMESTAR:{Gets up.} What was that? Check the camewa!

{Dave looks at the camera. Schoolstar's gone.}

DAVE:He's gone. Let's go follow him!

{They both exit Schoolstar's room. Cut to the cockpit. The chair is looks like it's being sat in. Homestar and Dave are there.}

HOMESTAR:That's weiwd. The heat camera has Schoolstaw sitting in that chaiw! I'm gettin' the creeps and the meeps, man.

{Dave goes over to the chair. He gets picked up and thrown out the blimp window.}

DAVE:{Offscreen} HOLY SHhhhhhhh...{unintelligble}


{Homestar runs away. Cut to the 2nd time seen living room in the dark. Jason and Grant are sitting on the couch with motion sensors and EVP devices.}

JASON:I keep feeling some midget with big ears poking me.

PROBABLY DAVE:{Offscreen} OH MY GOOOOOOOooooooo....

GRANT:What the crap was that?

JASON:Sounded like a ghost! Maybe it's Schoolstar!


{Homestar runs in.}


JASON:That's what we heard!


HOMESTAR:Let's go get him! Idiots!

GRANT:Wait, what the crap? We were just called idiots by Homestar Runner.

JASON:Yeah. Anyway, let's go!

{Cut to the feild at night. Jason, Homestar, and Grant walk up to Dave, who is on the ground, unconchese.}

HOMESTAR:Uh...let's call it a night.

JASON:Good idea.

{A black screen comes up thats says "The Findings-The Haunted Blimp" Cut to Homestar and Grant listening to EVPs.}

HOMESTAR ON RECORDER:So, Ghostie types, what's up?



GRANT:Yeah! It said "Nothing!"

DAVE ON RECORDER:No, you idiot! What's you're name? Why are you here? I'm new!

HOMESTAR ON RECORDER:Want some cream soda or somethin'?



OBI-WAN'S VOICE ON RECORDER:Can I have some, too?


{Homestar turns off the recorder.}

HOMESTAR:They must like cweam soda!

JASON:Yeah. They must.

{Cut to Jason and Dave, (Who has a broken arm and bandages on his head) listening to EVPs.}



DAVE:I know! He died in a fire! Wow!

{He turns on a different EVP.}

YODA'S VOICE ON RECORDER:Poke, I must. Poke, I must. Poke, I must.

JASON:That was the stupid thing poking me!


{They turn on the TV}

JASON:Let's see if we caught anything on the cameras.

{Close up on the TV. It's Schoolstar's room. It's empty. Some orbs gather around a book called "I dunno, some book"}

JASON:Wow. Do you see that?

DAVE:Yeah. I'm new.

JASON:That's-{The orbs pick up the book.} Holy crap!!

DAVE:This is the most hauanted place we've ever investigated! And one person died here! Along with Yoda and Obi-Wan.


{Homestar and Grant come in.}

HOMESTAR:We found some weiwd stuff, man!

DAVE:Us too, man. I'm new.

HOMESTAR:Well, we found out that the ghostie types said the wowd "nothing" when I asked him what's up? And when I asked if they wanted cream soda, they said "yes!" It's fweaky, man!

JASON:We got the voices of Yoda and Obi-wan!

HOMESTAR:Well, we found a heat censow thing of Schoolstaw!

JASON:Well, uh, we found these orbs picking up Schoolstar's books!


DAVE:And we got me being thrown off the blimp on tape.

HOMESTAR:How's youw head and awm?

DAVE:My arms broken, but my head AYOMA! Is fine.

{Everybody stared at him for a second. Cut to a black screen that says "The Reveal-Haunted blimp" Cut to Jason,Dave and Homestar sitting at a table that's always been there. They have a TV and a computer on the table. They are talking to Airstar in the blimp.}

AIRSTAR:Did you find anything?

JASON:Well, a little, yeah. Let me show you...{5 minutes later. Cut back to Airstar and TAPS. Airstar looks shocked.}

JASON:Take care! Here's a hat! {Jason throws Airstar a TAPS hat and gets up.}

JASON:Maybe next time we'll investigate that star statue! I just hope we don't sacrifice Dave again. {Chuckles}

AIRSTAR:Wait a minute...{We cut to a flashback. Airstar is talking to the KOT with Jerry Seinfeld right next to him.}

KOT:It was a gift from an old wise man, Said something about sacrifice and win. I dunno.

AIRSTAR:But the statue changed its inscription overnight!

JERRY SEINFELD:I coulda sworn it changed the inscription! What's the deal with that? Are they tryin' to confuse us? Why would they? For no reason? Cause' they were bored? I dunno! Somethin' about Florida! It's the 90's!

KOT:Hmm...maybe it was some prankster. One time my Lizard died, cause I ate it, and I got mad, so I through one of my servants at the statue, and there was another lizard that looked exactly like it came out of there. I never saw that servant again, though.

{Cut to another flashback. Airstar is checking his email.}

{Cut to Airstar at his Skypy in someone's house.. He clicks on the email icon.}

AIRSTAR:I gots the hook-up!

Hey you!
I still live in you closet!
If you want to see The Chubk again
Give me an ice cram cone.
That guy who lives in your closet

{Cut to another flashback. Airstar is looking at Schoolstar's ghost with Yoda and Obi-Wan's ghost.}

SCHOOLSTAR'S GHOST:S is real 2001!

YODA'S GHOST:Yes, real 2001 S is!

AIRSTAR:What does it mean, Schoolstar and Yoda?

SCHOOLSTAR'S GHOST:I can't tell you. But I can give you a hint. S and S and C is real and back 2001.

YODA'S GHOST:Yes,is real and back 2001 S and S and C.

AIRSTAR:That doesn't make any sense.

OBI WAN'S GHOST:Think about it, boy. Think about it.

{Cut to another flashback. Airstar is sitting on his stool in his blimp. A mailman with the nametag, "Kyle Westwood" comes in with a package.}

KYLE WESTWOOD:Hello, sir. You can give me that expensive lamp over there for a day with Fara Faucet.

AIRSTAR:I'll keep the lamp.

KYLE WESTWOOD:You coulda sacrificed you're lamp for-

AIRSTAR:Get out.

{Cut to when Jason was leaving Airstar's blimp.}

JASON:Take care! Here's a hat! {Jason throws Airstar a TAPS hat and gets up.}

JASON:Maybe next time we'll investigate that star statue! I just hope we don't sacrifice Dave again. {Chuckles}

{Cut back to Airstar.}

AIRSTAR:Oh my god! I had an epiphany! To save Schoolstar and The Chuck! I have to sacrifice! That's what the extra S is! I've gotta tell everybody! {Takes out a bullhorn} PEOPLE! THE WAY TO BRING SCHOOLSTAR BACK TO LIFE AND SAVE THE CHUCK IS TO SACRIFICE! MEET ME AT THE STAR STATUE!

{Cut to the star statue. Every main Homestar character is there, along with Airstar and Homeschool.}

AIRSTAR:Okay, people. The only way to bring Schoolstar back to life is-

STRONG BAD:Burning Homestar?


COACH Z:Is it listening to my fair out rarp?


HOMESTAR:Is it egh-

AIRSTAR:Don't even think about it! It's sacrifice! So to get The Chuck back from the clutches of Homsar44withpie, we need to sacrifice an Ice Cream cone, like H44WP asked, here assisting me, is my carpenter, uhh...I can't remember your name...OH YEAH! Jesus!

{Jesus drops from the clouds.}


JESUS:It's Jesus.

AIRSTAR:Whatever. Anyway, lift this statch up!

JESUS:Okay...{He puts his hands up in the air.}

AIRSTAR:What the crap are you doing, Jerry? You're supposed to get your tools!

JESUS:{He puts his hands down.} Okay.

{He walks away.}

AIRSTAR:He's new. He's only, like, 26, or 2006 or something.

STRONG SAD:Uh, do you know who he is?



AIRSTAR:Oh, you mean Pablo? Yeah. He's my carpenter.


{The statue starts getting picked up by a crane. It is then thrown over there. Everybody gathers around there.}

AIRSTAR:To get The Chuck back, we must give this hole an ice cram cone! Give me it, Strong Bad!

STRONG BAD:Oh. I forgot to pick it up at Price Style.

AIRSTAR:Crap. Well, go then. To Price Style.


{Strong Bad goes out through the gate of the KOT's backyard. He walks to his car. He gets in and puts the keys in the ignition. The car starts up. It's driving through the feild. Past the woods, past Strongbadia, past Bubs's, past Pom's Pom's mansion, and into the mall center in downtown FCUSA. He tries searches through the mall parking spots. He sees one, but someone else gets there first. He searches around, until he parks in a handicap spot. He gets out of the car and goes in Price Style. He starts searching for the frozen goods section. He sees the snacks and the cereal aisle before he sees frozen goods section. He goes there and tries to decide which ice cream cone he should get.}

STRONG BAD:Should I get "Homsar's Dream" which is randomness flavored or Coach Z Listerine flavored? Hmm...it's Homsar44withpie, so probably Homsar's Dream.

{He grabs Homsar's dream and goes to the check out. An old lady is in front of him with 11 items. She's talking to the cashier.}

OLD LADY:10 items or less? I didn't know. I have 11.

SENOR CARDGAGE THE CASHIER:That's ofine, Vandettaca.

OLD LADY:No, rules are rules. Hmmm...I don't need the Cheatcakes, but they are good. Mountain Dew is the whole reason I came here in the first place. I suppose I don't need Cheatos, or maybe the Diet Brown. But I need that for my grandson's birthday party. Most of this I need for that anyway. Even the Pom-aid. I guess he could do without the Dr.Peppersmith, but he loves that carbonated beverage. I've got one more roll of bathroom tissue, so i'll take that out.

{She goes all the way to the toilet aisle and puts the toilet paper back. She comes back to the counter.}

OLD LADY:I hope you don't mind if I pay in pennies.

{She poors a buncha pennies on the counter. Senor Cardgage starts counting them out. One by one. When he's finally done, she leaves and Strong Bad comes up to the counter and puts down the ice cream cone. Senor Cardgage scans it and the register says "3.50" as the price. Strong Bad takes out his Debit card and slides it through. The card thing says "Try again" he slides it again, and it says "Try again" Strong Bad slides it again and it works. He grabs the ice cream cone box and runs outta the store. He is in the parking lot. He looks around for his car. He looks and looks until he finally finds it. He gets in and puts his keys in the ignition. The car won't work. He gets out and opens the front engine thing. It's smoking. He goes over to a ninja carrying grocieries.}

STRONG BAD:Excuse me, sir?


STRONG BAD:My engine is smoking, can you figure out what's wrong with it?

NINJA:No, I just don't want too, freak!


{He walks away. Strong Bad goes to the engine and tweaks it a little. He gets back in his car, and he reaches for his keys. But they're not there. He starts looking under the seats, he goes outside and looks on the concrete, he looks up to see the old lady has his keys.}

OLD LADY:Looking for these?


{He tries to get them. She pulls her hands back.}

OLD LADY:What's the secret word?


{She gives them to him.}

OLD LADY:Here ya go. Bye now!

{She walks away. Strong Bad goes inside his car and starts it. He drives out of the parking lot. He's on the road, and he stops because of traffic. After cars finally move, he goes past Pom Pom's mansion, past Bubs's past Strongbadia, past the forest, and into the KOT's parking lot. He gets out of his car and then locks it. He walks to the back of the castle and opens the gates. Everyone is sitting down, and Airstar is playing cards with Jesus.}

AIRSTAR:Hey, Strong Bad. What took so long?

STRONG BAD:Nothing. Here's your freakin' ice cream cone. {Throws the box. Airstar barely catches it.}

AIRSTAR:Okay! Hose', you can go, now.

{Jesus rises to the heavens.}

AIRSTAR:Now! We have to give this ice cream cone to the statue! Then, The Chuck will be realeased from Homsar44withpie's clutches! Who, I guess is under this statue. Go!

{He throws the ice cream cone in to the hole. The hole starts shining really brightly. A ball of light rises from the hole and settles on the ground. The light turns into The Chuck!}

AIRSTAR:YES! It worked! I'm the awesomest genius!

{Airstar goes over and gives The Chuck a hug. All the characters cheer. Some blonde german guy comes in.}

BLONDE GERMAN GUY:Remain calm, remain calm, everyone. Thous bums reamin calm. I am a real blonde.

{He leaves.}

AIRSTAR:And now for the sacrifice of a human life, to get Schoolstar back. Fi-

{Homsar44withpie, who looks like a tall, green shirted Homsar with a crown, rises out of the hole licking an ice cream cone.}

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Hey everybody. Good Homsar dream.

STRONG BAD:You're welcome!

AIRSTAR:Um, as I was saying, we need to find someone to sacrifice to the grave that is more of a loser than Schoolstar was.

{Young Roy comes through the gates.}

YOUNG ROY:Like, him? {Points to Homsar44withpie.}

{Airstar takes out a gun and shoots Young Roy.}

AIRSTAR:Anyway, we have to brainstorm. Hmm...

{Homsar44withpie finishes his Homsar dream already.}

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Man, that's good. Can I have another one?


HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Please? In fact, give me your keys and your debit card and i'll get one for you and one for me!

AIRSTAR:Oh, fine. But you're not payin' with my money for the second ice cream cone!

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Fine. But you owe me.

AIRSTAR:Okay, how'd you like to be a main character for two emails, and then a regular cast member for the rest of the series?

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Done. Also, could you braid my hair?


HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Fine. Where's you're keys and enough money for one ice cram cone?

AIRSTAR:Here. {He throws him keys and 3 dollars and fifty cents. He leaves the backyard. 33 minutes later. Homsar44withpie comes back to see Airstar,Strong Bad,Homestar,Coach Z and Marzipan playing Twister while others watch.}

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:What's going on?

{All the characters playing Twister fall. They get up.}

AIRSTAR:You're bad luck!

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:I thought we were gonna brainstorm!

COACH Z:We were for 10 minutes. But then we got bored.

STRONG BAD:I still think we should sacrifice Strong Sad!

AIRSTAR:We need to sacrifice someone not important to us, how about...

{Cut to the same scene, except Homesore Loser is there. And Airstar and Homsar44withpie have ice cream cones.}

AIRSTAR:Hey, Homesore! Go ahead and jump in this hole! It's filled with food shelter and love!


{He jumps in. A bright line shines from the hole. A Homeschool shaped light thingy rises from the hole. It lands on the ground. A wind starts blowing. The characters have to hold on to things to keep from blowing away. The Chuck's fur is blwong wildly.}



{The wind dies down. The light gets dimmer, and then the Homeschool appears right in front of the hole with the grim reaper by his side. Everyone stares.}

SCHOOLSTAR:Hey everybody!


{Airstar,The Chuck,Homestar and Homeschool come to hug him.}

AIRSTAR:Man! You son of a gun! How was heaven?

SCHOOLSTAR:I met your carpenter there.


SCHOOLSTAR:Yeah, I think that's what his name was.

AIRSTAR:Now, Schoolstar, I realized that even though you're a depressed loser you can still be a good friend. That's why I hooked you up with your own email show!


AIRSTAR:Yes! Here is the...{Takes out laptop} Skytop!


AIRSTAR:No problem, man.

SCHOOLSTAR:Hey, The Chuck!

{Schoolstar picks up The Chuck.}

THE CHUCK:Meh! Hey Schoolstar!


AIRSTAR:And meet our new temporary main cast member, Homsar44withpie!

{Homsar44withpie walks over with his Homsar dream.}

HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Hey. How's it goin'?

AIRSTAR:And now...I guess that's the-

{Darknight Creeper rushes into the backyard.}

DARKNIGHT:Not so fast!

AIRSTAR:General Gaygoats!

DARKNIGHT:No, idiot. It is me! Darknight! And now, since Schoolstar is dead, you have nobody to fight me away! Egh-

{He sees Schoolstar.}

DARKNIGHT:Oh. Uh...hey. This is embarassing. HIGHT!

{He tries to run but Schoolstar runs over to him and spinkickd him out of the backyard.}

SCHOOLSTAR:What a day.

AIRSTAR:Yep. Bye everybody!



{The paper comes down.}

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