Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/His place
From Umcom
SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 2007
{Airstar clicks on the "email" icon.}
AIRSTAR:25 emails ago...I...was less contraversial.
Hi Airyface, Whats it like at Airjet Booster's place Your Pal Limoman
AIRSTAR:Airjet Booster? From season 1? You remembered him? Well, at his place it's...well I dunno. I've never been there. Good thing The Chuck got my "Edgar's sister's Time travel program" or ESTTP. Let's try it out!
{He holds up the floppy disk and sticks it in. The screen changes to a the title screen. It's a graphic picture of the nerdy sister with the name and "Time travel to the school dance!" and Copyright 1991 at the side.}
{Initiate launch sequence plz}
AIRSTAR:Initiate launch sequence!
{The screen reads "Set date:"}
AIRSTAR:Set date April 28th, 20X8 at 3:04 pm at Airjet Booster's house.
{He warps away. Cut to a blue steel wall with levers on it.}
AIRSTAR:Where am I?
{Airjet walks in.}
AIRJET:Yo. I've been expecting you. Here's my place! There's my Spacepy 2086, my room, and other stuff. This is my spaceship.
AIRSTAR:Cool. Does it get 75,000 gallons to the mile?
AIRJET:No. I asked that to my future and past self too. I am weird. Anyway, meet Chuckball!
{Chuckball bounces in}
AIRJET:He's The Chuck's grandson.
AIRSTAR:So i'm you're grandpa?
AIRJET:Yep. Here comes Trainstar Squigblast. What a loser. Sometimes, I spit on him for being alive.
AIRSTAR:I do that to his grandpa all the time!
CHUCKBALL:That girly scream was really embarassing.
{Trainstar walks in.}
TRAINSTAR SQUIGBLAST:I need help my mind is confused I don't know what I want my life is a wreck and I hate the world for being so cruel.
AIRJET:Go away, loser. No one likes you're style.
{Trainstar leaves}
AIRSTAR:Wow. He's even more depressing than his grandpa.
{Airstar's cellphone rings. He answers.}
AIRSTAR:Hello? Yes? Where are you? THE BLIMP CRASHED?! OH NO! Is The Chuck alright? Okay. Um, is my Skypy okay? IT'S BROKEN?! I can't get back to 2007 if it's broken. Crap. Bye.
{He hangs up.}
AIRSTAR:Hey! Can I live here until I get outta this dillema?
AIRJET:Sure. You can sleep in Trainstar's sleeping bag.
AIRJET:But watch out for Shadowmoon Dealer. She's my 1# enemy, and if you see her, call Trainstar.
AIRSTAR:Okay. What about Water Bad?
AIRJET:You mean Waterman?
AIRSTAR:Yeah, yeah. Whatever. He's a guy, that's dumb.
AIRJET:Let's show you around the future. FUTURE SHOCK!
{Cut to Airstar and Airjet in the feild.}
AIRSTAR:So this is the future, eh?
AIRSTAR:So this is the future, eh?
AIRSTAR:Fine,fine. Where you about to shoot me?
AIRSTAR:So, whose da president now?
AIRJET:POPK, or President of Planet K, Cosmo Caveat, or as he's known in your time, the KOT.
AIRSTAR:Oh, crap. Anyway, whatcha wanna do?
AIRJET:Wanna go to Strong Bar?
AIRSTAR:Strong Bar? What's that?
AIRJET:The largest chain of bars in the country! It's been around since 2007!
AIRSTAR:Holy tauntun! Strong Bad actually becomes succesful?!
AIRJET:The late Strong Bad became succesful. Now when he died a few months back, he handed the buisness to his grandkid, Stinkoman.
AIRSTAR:Wow. He's dead? I guess it makes sense.
AIRJET:Yes it does. HEY 1-UP!
{1-Up comes.}
1-UP:Hey guys!
AIRJET:I'm his cousin.
1-UP:Who is that guy?
AIRSTAR:Oh, me? I'm Airstar from 2007. Wanna come to the Strong Bar with us?
1-UP:Sure! I'll bring Pan-Pan.
{Cut to Strong Bar. Airstar, Airjet,1-up and Pan-Pan are sitting at the bar. Stinkoman slides over to them.}
STINKOMAN:What'd you like? Air particles? Skin flakes? Blood crispies? We make a great Margaricheata! Or a Strong One!
AIRJET:I'll have 7 Strong ones!
AIRSTAR:Isn't that a little much?
AIRJET:Well, i'm just sad because Jimmy Carter recently got sick.
AIRJET:Well, he has a cold. For the first since 1967. Anyway, that's the future.
1-UP:Isn't Jimmy Carter a type of cracker? He sounds like a brand of cracker.
AIRSTAR:Well that's the future. Spaceships,Strong Bars and Jimmy Carter crackers.
{The paper comes down}
[edit] Fun Facts
Jimmy Carter was our president in the late 70's.