Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Five trillion dollars

From Umcom

{Airstar is at his computer. He clicks on the email icon.}

AIRSTAR:Email the game! The star...me!


You have won 5 Trillion Dollars!

-The Completely Legitimate Company

Download the Money?

AIRSTAR:Oh finally! I've been contributing to TCLC for years! I even donated my red coin to you to help your cause!

{He clicks on the link. This comes up.}


SCHOOLSTAR'S VOICE:Didn't ya hear?

{Airstar turns around to see Schoolstar.}

SCHOOLSTAR:TCLC has been conning people into contributing to a fund to destroy Earth with a machine they built using the money they got. Once they got done, they sent an email to the person who contributed the most money. YOU!


{Everything starts rumbling. Cut to Strong Bad and The Cheat in the computer room.}

STRONG BAD:And that's how I saved Decemberween!

{Everything starts rumbling.}


{Cut to Homestar on tv.}

HOMESTAR:And then Lindsay Lohan wan over a papparazi's foot, on puwpose this time. In othew news, WE'WE ALL GONNA DIE BECUASE OF TCLC! TCLC is a company that has been conning people into donating money to their false "charity" for yeaws, now. The only thing they've been weally doing is using that money to destory Earth. In other words, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! GET IN STRONG BAD'S BASEMENT!

{Homestar runs out of the newsroom. Cut back to Strong Bad and The Cheat watching TV.}


{All the main characters including Airstar,The Chuck and Schoolstar all come tumbling down into the basement.}


STRONG SAD:Is the door locked?

AIRSTAR:Yeah, I locked it.

STRONG BAD:This place is gonna be too crowded.

BUBS:Well that's too bad. We have to stay here.

{Homestar comes up from behind the couch with his news suit on.}

HOMESTAR:I didn't even have time to change.

{Rumbling noises and screaming.}

AIRSTAR:Feel bad for the guys who got left up there. Senor Cardgage...

{Cut to Senor Cardgage beside a dumpster. He wakes up to see a big shadow over him.}

SENOR CARDGAGE:Why Good morvning, Jalsworth.

{The shadow comes closer and closer and the dumpster behind him explodes. Cut back to the basement.}

AIRSTAR:Peacy P...

{Cut to Peacy P walking in the feild.}

PEACY P:Man, I nee' to get home.

{A huge shadow creeps above him.}

PEACY P:Ge' outta here ya'll biscuitheads.

{Cut back to Airstar.}

AIRSTAR:And all the others.

STRONG BAD:I'm sure they'll be alright.

AIRSTAR:I hope Garbachov is dead.

SCHOOLSTAR:I think we all do. I just wonder what's goin' on up there.


{Cut to a guy a Homestar looking guy with blue hair, a black shirt with a dragon on it and he has creepy evil eyes. He's sitting at a desk with a laptop. He moves the laptop out of he way.}

BLUE HAIRED GUY:The fools. They don't know what TCLC has been doing. Until now. I WILL AVENGE YOUR ARREST, DARKNIGHT!

{A Darkmando comes up to him.}

DARKMANDO:Shut up, Blackpitch! The darkmandos are sleeping!


{Cut to Peacy P and Senor Cardgage in a dungeon cell.}

PEACY P:Man, I wo'er what's gonna happen to us, y'know?

SENOR CARDAGE:I hate you...

{Rap beats start playing.}

PEACY P:Why do you hate me, when I keep you company? We're in this jail cell and now you're bein' whiny. We need to stick together in this cell o' dark. We'll be sure to leave our mark.

SENOR CARDGAGE:You're a poser. Back in my day, we used to keep it real, but you're keepin' it fake, now I wanna throw you in a lake. You pretendser.

PEACY P:Leasts I don't mix words like a freakin' weirdo McBeardo with a stupid face, and no case to prove that any woman likes you, you snivvling little creep, you need to step aside, 'cause i'm a tide ready to wash down posers like you like a water slide.

{Cut to the basement.}

AIRSTAR:That's it! I'm going up there.

COACH Z:Are you insane?!

AIRSTAR:No, i'm quite mentally fine, thank you.

COACH Z:You'll get korled!

AIRSTAR:I hope not. See ya.

{He walks outta of the room. Cut to him leaving Strong Bad's house. He transforms into a weird guy with Coach Z's feet,Homestar's torso,Marzipan's head,Poopmsith's arms and Airstar's hat.}

AIRSTAR:H-oly c-rap. T-his p-lace i-s v-irused u-p.

{A jumping oreo cookie comes up to him.}


{The Oreo cookie pulls at the Coach Z legs and dargs him. The sky starts changing colors rapidly. Cut to a prison Airstar is in.}

AIRSTAR:Man. Now i'm in this stupid jail cell. What are they trying to do?



{Cut to a tank with Schoolstar in it. He drives up to a big building that says "Привинчено вверх по средству сдерживания"}

SCHOOLSTAR:Why would it be in Russian? Anyway...time to save Airstar!

{He fires at a big laser at the top of the building. Cut to Airstar cell.}

INTERCOM:Oh, crap. SOMEONE SHOT AT THE LASER!! Well at least we still have our prisoners.

{Schoolstar walks up to the cell and unlocks it, releasing Airstar. Then they go offscreen. Cut to a room with a big button that says "Не нажмите! Препятствует пленникам вне!" Schoolstar pushes it. Cut to outside the building. A buncha people charge out. Cut to Peacy P and Senor Cardgage running out.}

PEACY P:You a commy in coat, you a redneck loat! You a stupid butt, and uh...nevermind.

{Cut to Airstar at his computer.}

AIRSTAR:What you gonna do now, TCLC? HUH?! you're building blew up, and all your prisoners escaped! Losers.

{The paper comes down.}

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