Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Ekul=luke.
From Umcom
{Airstar wakes up in his jail cell,and goes to the computer to check email.}
AIRSTAR:Email! Is......cool?
Dear airstar I am now in the hospital after falling in a huge hole on my bike. I'm covered in sores, bandages cover my arms, and my mouth is wired shut! Can you get me something to do while I'm healing? Bless your soul, Debbie
AIRSTAR:Then you don't want to know what's goin' on in o' fifteen minutes.
{A 1-Up clone comes to outside Airstar's cage}
1-UP CLONE:Man,come with me! Were goin' against Homestar,1-Up,and Homsar!
AIRSTAR:Awesome dude! Let me outta here!
{The 1-Up clone unlocks the cage and the two start walking out of the place. Cut to outside. The "Evil Peeps" are there}
HOMSAR:Now that we have a gigantic army force and several generals,we can-
{We cut the 1-Up clone on the top of a dark tower with a gun. He shoots it at the evil people. Cut back to the evil people. We see the shots blew there weapons away.}
HOMESTAR:Ack! It's... a clone! As powerful as...us!
(We cut to Airstar,who is dressed like one of the madmen with a gun too. He has a walkie talkie}
DARKTOWER:{From walkie talkie}This is Darktower. Mission accomplished! Move in.
AIRSTAR:Sure thing Darktower. {Airtstar starts to run towards the "Evil Peeps". So does an entire army of clones}
A 1-UP CLONE:Wait a second...why are we doing this?!
HOMSAR CLONE:We're fighting for the wrong side!
{The 1-Up,Homestar and Homsar clones start fighting three blue astromunds,three dark Stinkomans,a blue Homestar,Stinkoman,a blue shirted,sunglassed Homestar, 2 1-Up madmen, and an orange astromund.}
{Airstar kicks the 3rd blue astromund}
A VOICE:{From Airstar's walkie talkie} Dude! C'mere! I have a plan!
{Airstar starts to run away. His leg gets grabbed by a dark Stinkoman. Airstar steps on the Stinkoclone's face and runs to a hole in the ground where Darktower is. He looks like a dark 1-Up guy.}
AIRSTAR:What is it Darktower?
DARKTOWER:I have a bomb that will destroy those stupid freakin' clone-racists. {He removes a sheet from the back of the room. Under it is a huge bomb.}
AIRSTAR:Ut-oh. Maybe you've gone insane.
{The paper comes down}
[edit] Fun Facts
Bits and peices of this is copied from Ekul's comics, continuing the crossover.
Darktower is from Ekul's comics also.