Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Eating
From Umcom
{We start at Airstar at his Skypy. He clicks on the email icon.}
AIRSTAR:In a world of email, there's panic, but in a world of snailmail, there's even more panic!
EatenDear Airstar,
Some guy who is not Badstar.
If Strong Mad ate you, what would you do?
AIRSTAR:Some Guy Who Is Not Badstar? What an odd name. I assume your first name is "Some Guy" and your middle name is "Who Is" and last name is "Not Badstar". That's more pecuilar than that strange name from that one email...
(Cut to Airstar at the Skypy. At the bottom of the screen it says "January 6, 2006". Airstar clicks on the email icon.}
AIRSTAR:Email is a rollin' and a rockin' at the same time!
Dear Airstar,
What is your name in Japanese, better yet, Indian!
And i'm talkin' about tech support Indian, not tepee Indian. Sincerely,
Lost Season 2 on DVD and Blu-Ray
AIRSTAR:What a peculiar name, Lost Season 2. Peculiar indeed.
{Cut back to today.}
AIRSTAR:Now to your question Some guy, if Strong Mad ate me, this is how it would go down.
{Cut to Airstar in the feild, except with alot of bulging muscles.}
AIRSTAR:{Voice over} There would be me, and Strong Mad.
{Strong Mad appears.}
AIRSTAR:And he would try to eat me.
{Strong Mad picks up Buff Airstar and puts him in his mouth. Then Airstar jumps out and kicks him, and he falls down.}
BUFF AIRSTAR:Take that, Strong Mad.
{Cut back to Airstar at his Skypy.}
AIRSTAR:That's exactly how that would happen, and nobody's going to get in the way of that.
SCHOOLSTAR:Uh...me again!
{Zoom out to the entire computer room with Schoolstar standing to the right.}
SCHOOLSTAR:That could not happen. Strong Mad is as tough as an Ox and Barry Bonds combined!
AIRSTAR:Well, i'm as tough as an Ox and a Barry Bond Ox combined.
SCHOOLSTAR:Ughh..I hate those Barry Bond Oxes.
{Cut to a bunch of Oxes with Barry Bonds' head and shoulders are shown eating grass near a lake.}
BRITISH VOICE:Hear you see the Barry Bonds Ox eating the Steroid grasses of Pittscisco. These Oxes are giant. Also Pirates.
{Cut back to the computer room.}
SCHOOLSTAR:But no, you're gonna need first-hand experience.
AIRSTAR:Wa-wa-waaaaa...wait, aren't The Brothers Strong in Pantsburg?
SCHOOLSTAR:Yeah, they are. Let's fly there.
{Cut to Airstar walking up to Strong Mad in a field with a buncha buildings in the background.}
AIRSTAR:Hey Strong Mad. E-
{Strong Mad picks up Airstar and starts eating him.}
{Strong Mad swallows him whole.}
AIRSTAR:{Muffled} I WANNA KILL YOU! {Could be:"I'm Gonna kill you!"}
{Strong Bad comes over.}
STRONG BAD:Come on, man. You gotta help us move everything in. Maybe I can meet those one guys...the ones that I met that one time.
STRONG BAD:I can check it here.
AIRSTAR:{Muffled} Strong Bad, let me out!
STRONG BAD:What, Strong Mad, did your stomach just talk?
STRONG BAD:Yeah, probably. Let's go in.
{They walk into a purple house. Inside there are purple walls and the orange couch from the basement.}
STRONG BAD:Well, we got the couch, but should a couch be near the entryway?
{The Cheat comes in.}
THE CHEAT:Mehna meh? (Who cares?)
STRONG BAD:Yeah, we just need an end table.
AIRSTAR:{Muffled.} Buy one at Ikea!
STRONG BAD:Good idea, Strong Mad!
{Cut to Homestar talking to Bubs at his stand.}
HOMESTAR:You know who I haven't seen for a little while?
HOMESTAR:Bubs. That guy is never around.
BUBS:Uhh...i'm right here, Homestar.
HOMESTAR:Oh, there you are! You know who I haven't seen for a little bit?
HOMESTAR:Airstar Flyer. I think he's been kidnapped. And that's the only explanation! I mean how could there be another one?
BUBS:I don't know, Homestar. But we gotta search for him! I'm Bubs,
{A picture comes up with Bubs in a detective suit and "Normal Investigator" to the right side of that.}
BUBS:{Offscreen.} Normal investigator!
{Cut to Bubs in a trenchcoat interviewing the King Of Town.}
BUBS:King, do you know where Airstar is?
BUBS:When's the last time you saw him?
KOT:Late May of 2008.
BUBS:Hmm...interesting. To his blimp!
{Cut to Bubs in the computer room of his blimp.}
BUBS:He's not here...
{The Chuck walks holding some piemonade.}
BUBS:Hey, The Chuck. Can you, give me a tour of the blimp?
BUBS:Just because...
{They walk to the right and see the entrance with a ladder hanging out.}
THE CHUCK:That's the entrance with the ladder,
{They walk right to the Computer area.}
THE CHUCK:That's the computer room,
{They walk left to Schoolstar's room.}
THE CHUCK:That's Schoolstar's place...he's in Pantsburg right now.
BUBS:I see.
{They slightly more left to see a ladder.}
THE CHUCK:This is the ladder leading to floor 2.
{They climb up it, and emerge at a new hallway with two rooms.}
THE CHUCK:This first one is Airstar's room...
BUBS:Can I look inside?
THE CHUCK:Uh...sure.
{Bubs looks in Airstar's room, which has blue mattress and endtable with a closet, and some Beatles and AC/DC posters.}
BUBS:Hmm...anyone in there?
{Homsar44withpie comes out of Airstar's closet wearing a hairnet and apron that says "ALL HAIL CHEF!"}
HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Hey, shut up! I'm trying to cook dinner! By the way, do you have a hair braider? This hairnet doesn't do the job.
BUBS:Hi, Jeff.
HOMSAR44WITHPIE:It's Homsar44withpie!
BUBS:Sure it is, go back to Texas!
{Cut back to the hallway.}
BUBS:Where else?
THE CHUCK:Down here is the kitchen.
{They walk to the right and go into the kitchen, which looks like a standard kitchen with blue walls.}
THE CHUCK:And, in the next room,
{They walk into the TV room.}
THE CHUCK:Is where we watch TV. Then in that room over there is the control room,
{They walk into the pilot's room, where they see nobody driving.}
{He jumps into the seat and starts driving.}
THE CHUCK:That was lucky. Heh.
BUBS:Well, when's the last time you saw him?
THE CHUCK:An hour ago. They left to go somewhere. I don't know where.
BUBS:Hmm...did you kidnap them?
BUBS:You're under arrest!
{Bubs puts The Chuck in handcuffs.}
{Cut to Strong Mad watching TV in the new house.}
TUCKSWORTH:{From TV} Caleb, we need to have a talk!
CALEB:{From TV} We dont's need to talk about nothin'. It's the 90's, and people don't talk anymore.
{Audience laughter.}
AIRSTAR:{In Strong Mad's stomach, muffled} Somebody better save me, before I get digested!
{Cut to The Chuck in the Jail Box. Pom-Pom is guarding it.}
POM-POM:{Angrt bubling. "Shut up, Scant!"}
THE CHUCK:{Gasps} He just used a racial slur to Cheats! I'LL KILL YOU!
{Bubs comes in with Homestar, wearing a blue shirt and orange soles.}
BUBS:I found him!
HOMESTAR:I'm not Airstar! I just tried on his clothes!
BUBS:Let The Chuck free.
{Pom-Pom lifts the box, and The Chuck jumps at Pom-Pom and they have an offscreen fight.}
{The paper comes down, dressed as Schoolstar.}
BUBS:Oh, there's Schoolstar too!