Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/Alive?
From Umcom
{Cut to Airstar in the spooky forest with a witch's hat on.}
AIRSTAR:OOoOoH! Time for a spooky episode of Airstar emails! Even more spooky than the time I was beat up by Franceswaz in that french prison I was in for a month and a half. Now for the email!
{Cut to Airstar at his Skypy. He has a bowler hat, sunglasses and a black wig under the hat.. He clicks on the email icon.}
AIRSTAR:Hey I got one! Why did Dracula change his name to Vincent? EMAAAAAAILL!!
Dear airsta.
how comes the chuck put bombs in your closet?
i has no room to get stuck.
-The guy in your closet.
AIRSTAR:Uh, you want to get stuck in that closet? Who are you? R. Kelly? Look R, wait, what does the R. stand for? Regis? Reynold? Who? Let me ask The Chuck.
{Cut to a wide shot of the computer room. Airstar turns around in his stool. The computer has paper skeolotons hung on the wall. The rest of Airstar's costume is just a black suit with slacks. The Chuck is to the left dress up as Mini-me.}
AIRSTAR:The Chuck!
THE CHUCK:Um...what are you supposed to be?
AIRSTAR:D.B. Cooper. You know, the infamous plane hijacker.
THE CHUCK:Okay. Anyway, what is it?
AIRSTAR:What does the R in Routine, I mean, R. Kelly stand for?
THE CHUCK:Uhh...no idea.
AIRSTAR:I guess it doesn't matter.
{Airstar turns back to the Skypy.}
AIRSTAR:Anywho, what was your question, R?
{Airstar goes back and reads it.}
AIRSTAR:Oh! The Chuck? Planting bombs?
{An explosion is heard.}
AIRSTAR:HOLY CRABDUST! That's what thos things have been! I was so worried about the blimp, I almost had people make sitcom sets for us! I better go get to my room to stop The Chuck!
{Cut to Airstar's room. The Chuck is in front of his closet with a red bomb in his hands. Airstar's looking at him angrily.}
AIRSTAR:THE CHUCK! WHY DID-whoa, I just remembered why I went to Canada in email 29! Anyway, why are you bombing R. Kelly44withpie's home?!
THE CHUCKWell it all started when he was at Schoolstar's funeral casket before the funeral!
{Cut to The Chuck looking at Schoolstar's dead body lying in the casket. The Chcuk has a suit and tie on.}
THE CHUCK:Uhh...Schoolstar, I never really told you you were good. Or a human being at all. Or even agknowledged you existed, or even had eye contact with you, or even knew you name before 5 minutes ago. I guess what I wanna say is, in honor of your memory, I'm gonna build a castle inside your closet in memory of you. But, Airstar's closet is bigger so i'll probably go for that one. This is not about me trying to get me powerful or anything. It's for you. Just for you. No other reason at all.
{Homsar44withpie comes up to the casket.}
HOMSAR44WITHPIE:Sorry milk dud, I already live in Airstar's closet.
{The Chuck's eyes grow angry. Cut back to present times.}
THE CHUCK:And that's why I bomb his closet! To get my territory! So I ordered my stuffed animals into battle!
{Cut to The Chuck in a room talking to some stuffed animals.}
THE CHUCK:Men, and women, Ms.Twinkle,
{He points to a pink bear with a bowtie.}
THE CHUCK:There's only one way to solve this!
{He takes out a red bomb.}
THE CHUCK:Spaggehti bombs.
{Cut back to Airstar and The Chuck.}
THE CHUCK:I did what I had to do.
AIRSTAR:The Chuck! He is welcome in there! You can't just bomb him out!
THE CHUCK:Why can't I?
AIRSTAR:Because it's wrong! And he has no room to get stuck!
THE CHUCK:That's not my concern! He can't get stuck in that closet on my watch!
AIRSTAR:That's it! I'm taking over this whole operation!
{Airstar takes away the bombs.}
AIRSTAR:They're mine now!
THE CHUCK:I'm tired of getting bossed around!
{The Chuck steps on Airstar's foot.}
{He drops the bombs and The Chuck picks them up.}
AIRSTAR:Oh no! Homsar44withpie!
{Airstar grabs Homsar44withpie, who is dressed as a skeloton, and runs out of the room. Cut to a room with three lockers in it. One says "Airstar", the other says "The Chuck" and the other one says "Skoolstar" Airstar opens up his locker and gets a parachute. Then he opens Schoolstar's locker and gets one for H44WP. Cut to outside the blimp. The blimp is flying very low over mountains. You can see Airstar and H44WP jumping out of the blimp into the mountains. The blimp then blows up into a spagghetti mess. Cut to a cave. Airstar and Homsar44 are lying in front of it.}
AIRSTAR:Ohh...that was just like D.B. Cooper! Awesome!
HOMSAR44:Hair braider...
AIRSTAR:Wake up!
{He wakes up.}
HOMSAR44:Oh. Hey.
{Bubs comes out of the cave dressed as Ross from "You can't do that on television".}
AIRSTAR:What are you doing here? And what's with the costume?
BUBS:I like taht show!
AIRSTAR:Whatever. What are you doing here?
BUBS:Oh! Me and the other characters are trying to hide from the evil spirits that are taking over FCUSA!
{Homestar comes out of the cave dressed as Artie, the strongest man in the world.}
HOMESTAR:Yeah! The spirits are tuwning people evil! They alweady got The Chuck!
AIRSTAR:They did?! That's why he was bombing your closet, Homsar44!
HOMESTAR:Anywho, we awe hiding from them hewe. Supwisingly, evil spiwits don't like dawk caves.
AIRSTAR:That is weird. But I know who to call!
AIRSTAR:No, those guys from that time the blimp was haunted, TAPS!
HOMESTAR:Oh yeah! I'm one of theiw investigatows!
{Strong Bad comes out of the cave dressed as Beetle juice.}
STRONG BAD:I wanna be an investigator for TAPS! I watch their show all the time!
AIRSTAR:I'll call him!
{Airstar takes out his blue cellphone. Cut to a TV screen. It has the "Sci-Fi" channel logo on it.}
OVERVOICE:Now for the Sci-Fi original series, Ghost Hunters!
{The screen goes to a drippy "Ghost Hunters" logo and music plays. Cut to a shot of Bubs' conncession stand, closed at night. Homestar is in front of it with a thermal imaging camera.}
OVERVOICE:Tonight, on Ghost Hunters. TAPS tries to search for Ghosts in a town in the south.
HOMESTAR:Whoah, what was that?
{Strong bad walks up to Homestar.}
STRONG BAD:That's your reflection.
{Cut to a shot of Strong Bad's computer room. The Lappy is floating while Jason, a bald guy with a TAPS hat and shirt watches.}
OVERVOICE:They make some shocking discoveries!
{Cut to a shot of Strong Bad in the feild at night.}
OVERVOICE:And, a new member joins the team! Will this investigation be too much for him?
STRONG BAD:I'm scared, man.
OVERVOICE:Oh shut up. All of that tonight on Ghost Hunters!
{The screen changes to a shot of a bald guy with a TAPS cap getting out of a car. "Jason-Lead investigator" appears on screen. Then to a shot of a black haired guy turning around. "Grant-Lead investigator" appears on screen. Cut to a skinny man turning around. "Andy-Investigator" appears on screen. Cut to Homestar smiling while about to eat a lightbulb sandwhich. "Homestar-Investigator in training" appears. And then a tall man with brown hair turns around and "Brian-Investigator" appears on screen. Then the lgo for Ghost Hunters appears on screen. Cut to Jason and Grant in the cave talking to the KOT who is dressed as Reverend Al Sharpton.}
JASON:Hello sir. Thanks for letting us investigate your town.
KOT:Oh no problem. You bribe me well.
{He takes out a chicken wing and chews on it.}
GRANT:Well, we're gonna get started setting up the equipment,
{Strong Bad still in his costume comes up to them.}
STRONG BAD:Can I join?
JASONYeah. Lose the costume and you're in.
{Strong Bad takes off his costume.}
STRONG BAD:I'm a TAPS member now!
{Cut to Jason putting a camera on Bubs' stand counter. And then cut to Grant putting a camera on Strong Bad's desk. And then Homestar putting a camera on the King of town's table. Then cut to Jason,Grant, Brian Homestar and Strong Bad all in the night feild.}
JASON:Well, let's brutally murder the lights.
{Cut to a shot of Homestar turning off a switch that says "All city lights". Cut to Homestar and Strong Bad at Bubs' stand. Homestar has a Thermal imaging camera.}
HOMESTAR:Not gettin' anything.
STRONG BAD:I'll take this EVP device over here.
{He walks offscreen.}
HOMESTAR:Whoah, what was that?
{Strong Bad comes and looks at the camera.}
STRONG BAD:That's your reflection.
HOMESTAR:Well, take some EVPs.
STRONG BAD:{Holds out recorder.} Hello? Is there any spirits here? Can you punch Homestar in the face, please?
{Homestar falls down, and you hear a punching noise.}
{Cut to Jason in Strong Bad's computer room. He has the EVP device in his hand.}
JASON:Is there any spirits in this room? Why are you here? Do you want to harm us? Give me a sign of your presence.
{The Lappy starts floating.}
{Grant rushes in.}
GRANT:Oh my god.
JASON:Sweet genius.
{The Lappy gets thrown at Grant and he catches it.}
GRANT:No throwys!
{Cut to Homestar and Strong Bad in the feild.}
STRONG BAD:I have something on the thermal.
{Close up on the thermal. There's a floating red head with arms.}
HOMESTAR:Oh me gee. That twee has a squiwell!
STRONG BAD:Pay attention to the floating head, idiot.
{The head starts to come closer.}
{The camera is knocked out of Strong Bad's hands. He runs away. Cut to where Strong Bad is in the feild.}
STRONG BAD:I'm scared, man.
{Homestar comes up to him.}
HOMESTAR:Hey look at this!
{He pulls out a gadget and starts pointing it above him.}
HOMESTAR:The coldness hewe is 1.5 {He moves the gadget a little bit each reading.} 1.7,1.9,1.11,1.12,0.0. We had something thewe.
{Homestar gets punched outt thin air again.}
{Cut to Jason and the team talking to the rest of the characters as the following: Coach Z is SoSoDef recordings logo,Stron Mad is Nokolai Volkoff,The Cheat is Penfold,Marzipan is Prince, Strong Sad is the fat kid from "The Far Side",Pom-Pom is a cacodemon,The Poopsmith is Doc Brown and Homsar is "Noony,Noony,Noo typewriter guy.}
JASON:So that's what we found guys. We got hurt, we found apparations. They want yo kill you. But we can't do nothin' about it. Sorry.
{The Chuck comes in.}
AIRSTAR:The Chuck!
THE CHUCK:I got uncursed, so I know how to break them. All we need to do is this...dance!
{Cut to the feild all the characters and TAPS and Airstar,The Chuck and Schoolstar are dancing to "Choco-late'" which is a good song. All the spirits around them die and it becomes daytime.}
STRONG BAD:It worked!
AIRSTAR:It did! I'd like to thank TAPS for comin' here, and the H*R cast for bein' so great, and my pet and Schoolstar, and my parents! And for anyone I forgot, i'm sorry! G'day!
{The paper comes down.}