Other Character Email Airstar Flyer/30

From Umcom

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2007

AIRSTAR:Remember this day, remember this email!

Hey You! Is there anyone you want to kill? Anyone? And how would you like them dead? Because I am a paid assassin! I'll kill people for the right price. before they kill you, Dennis Dunjinman

AIRSTAR:Well, actauly, there is the Strongbadian army. But there's like, 80 of them. I'd have to go to The King of Town.

{Airstar turns around. Cut to a wide shot.}

AIRSTAR:The Chuck!

{The Chuck rushes in.}


AIRSTAR:Land the blimp at The KOT's castle.


{Cut to the Kot's castle. The blimp lands right next to it. Cut to closeup of Airstar and The Chuck walking out of the blimp.}

THE CHUCK:Am I coming?

AIRSTAR:No. I must climb this castle alone.

THE CHUCK:But there's a door right there.

AIRSTAR:I must go.

{Cut to Airstar climbing up the castle. Heavy rock music plays in the background.}

NARARATOR:Airstar was climbing, up, up, and away. It was dificult, and unneccasary. 'Cause there was a door. But that would make it less exciting. Shut up.

{Airstar is at the Top of the castle. The three keepers of Trogdor and the KOT are up there with torches.}

MONK 1:We've been expecting you, Mr.Flyer.


{The monks look at each other.}

MONK 2:Um, we heard it from, the news. Now come!

AIRSTAR:Y'know, Trogdor died over 1,000 years ago.

MONK 3:But he's a legend! That...equals...the circumfrence of the circle!

AIRSTAR:Which is 0.

MONK 3:Shut up, Airstar! You don't know math! Now come!

{They walk into the castle. Cut to a room with a table in it. The monks,the KOT, and Airstar are sitting at it.}

AIRSTAR:We need to go to war with the Strongbadian army! They're a threat to FCUSA!

MONK 1:But we have Monday off! We can't go to war! It breaks tradition!

AIRSTAR:THEY'RE THREATING US WITH WATER BALLOONS AND SLAVERY! We protect our town before our traditions!

MONK 4:We will have to consult the Marzipan.

MONK 2:Yeah. Let's go 3 keepers!

{Cut to the 3 keepers talking to Marzipan}

MONK 1:So...what's up?

MONK 2:Anything goin' on?

MONK 3:Like, wars?

MONK 4:Or, Disturbia?

MARZIPAN:Nope. No wars.

MONK 3:Can we have...

MONK 2:Like have,

MONK 1:Ya know,

MONK 4:Like, a war? Against Strong...

MONK 2:Badians.

MONK 1:Yeah...them.

MONK 3:Yeah.

MONK 4:Sorta.

MARZIPAN:Sure, I guess.

MONK 2:Cool. Great.

MONK 1:Yeah. Awesome.

MONK 3:Yeah really-really appreciate it.

MONK 4:Yeah, alot.

MONK 1:Cool.

{Cut back to the castle. The three keepers of Trogdor are talking with Airstar again.}

MONK 4:The Marzipan has said yes. But no violence!!

AIRSTAR:So, no war then?



{Cut to Airstar looking out the window in his blimp.}

THE CHCUK:Airstar? What the freak are you doin' inebriated jerksicle?

AIRSTAR:I'm worried that FCUSA will be destroyed by the StrongBadains and Jay Leno jokes. What'll I do?

THE CHUCK:Go to war anyway!

AIRSTAR:You're right Chucksie! The important thing is that! We need about 1 billion schallion tillion caffalion shappashapdoo...illion, soldiers.

THE CHUCK:How about 30?


{Cut to the feild bordering StrongBadia. 80 StrongBadians are on the left, and 30 are on the right.}



{They start fighting. The FCUSAs are pushing the StrongBadians away. Until they die somehow. We cut Airstar and Strong Bad in the feild}

AIRSTAR:We beated you fair and also square. Now you can't attack. And where's my prize?

STRONG BAD:Alright. Here's 35 bucks.

{He hands him 35 bucks}


{Cut back to the Skypy. Airstar sits down.}

AIRSTAR:Well, we won. I guess. See ya!

{The paper comes down}

[edit] Fun Facts

This entire email is a parody of the movie "300".

Disturbia is a 2007 movie and song.

You should know who Jay Leno is by now.

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