Nebulites Attack!

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Revision as of 20:19, 29 July 2008 by MikeControl (Talk | contribs)

{Cut to a dark room with The KOT and The Poopsmith assisting a creature hidden by the dark. A single lightbulb lights the room up. The bottom of the screen says "RESTRICTED AREA, CHIMENDEZ DESERT, FCUSA, GEORGIA.}

CREATURE:{Painfully} Uh, uh, uh, uh, AGHHHHH!!

THE KING OF TOWN:Come on, you can do it!


{A squirting noise is heard.}


THE KING OF TOWN:There you go. Congratulations. You had your babies.

{The camera pans to the right, revealing graffiti that says "NEB-1". It then pans to Nebulon sitting on a hospital bad with hundreds of tiny green eggs.}

NEBULON:They're beatiful.

THE KING OF TOWN:I can see there style is the same as yours. Heh heh. When will they hatch?

NEBULON:Two hours. It'll take them 20-30 years to look like me, though. I was hatched in 1968 m'self.

THE KING OF TOWN:Where do you come from?

NEBULON:Our race use to come from a Nebula called the Crab Nebula. But then, for reasons unknown, we relocated to Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons. We currently live under it's surface. It has a Saltwater Ocean that we build our huts on. We call the Ocean, Sntghj Ofertnse, or "Good Ocean". Our Nebulites are raised in nests there.

THE KING OF TOWN:{Yawns.} What? You lost me at "race". I started thinkin' about how delicous you're babies look.

NEBULON:Stay away from them! You glutton.

THE KING OF TOWN:Also, how are YOU having a baby? Aren't you a male?

NEBULON:Yes, but in my race both parents can have offspring.

THE KING OF TOWN:I see. Poopsmith, come.

{They leave the room and lock the door. The door says "NOT ALIEN"}

THE KING OF TOWN:Poopsmith, I want to make it your duty to-

{You hear somebody giggling.}

THE KING OF TOWN:Oh, for the love of god...{He takes out a gun and shoots that guy. For some reason, he stops giggling.] Now, I want you to protect this room from intruders. We can;t have anybody going in here and finding out the truth about Extraterrestrials. His eggs hatch in 1 and a half hours. Good luck.

{He walks over to a guarded door and Poopertroopers let him past four doors until he gets to the final door and walks out into the desert. The area is protected by a fence, and alo of security and planes are around. The KOT walks past the fence, and past a sign that says "AREA 87 RESTRICTED AREA AUTHORIZED ACCESS ONLY TRESSPASSERS WILL BE SHOT AND HAD FOR DINNER. MAYBE WITH SOME SALT, I DON'T KNOW. MY WIFE SAYS I ALWAYS HAVE TO MUCH SALT. I SAY THAT'S BULL. I HAVE TOO MUCH OF HER. HEH. GET IT?" Cut to Strong Bad and The Cheat playing Texas Hold 'Em at the table in the kitchen.}

STRONG BAD:Well, you win again. And by win again, I mean, I win again, because I am awesomer and more valuable.

THE CHEAT:Mehnameht meh...

STRONG BAD:Who are you calling arrogant? It's not like I helped discovered a new planet or something. And if I did, it would probably have awesome lady rock star dancers. Except, they would be aliens with seven...lips. Aliens always have extra something right? Or maybe just less something. Like one eye, or arm. Anyway, my point is that you suck.


{The Cheat throws cards in his face and leaves.}

STRONG BAD:Hey! You're gonna pay for that! Man...

{The UNO card machine bounces over to Strong Bad.}

UNO MACHINE:Hey, Mr.Bad! I'm the UNO. I'm still on your side!

more later!

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