Ultimate X-Men 24

From Ultimarvel

[edit] Ultimate X-Men #24 (Mark Millar, Kaare Andrews)

• Xavier tells Kitty over the phone that he is expelling her from the school for disobeying him and her mother.

• Prosimian informs the Brotherhood that their plan to release Magneto is to be kept secret from Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

• At Trial Court, New York. Bobby Drake refuses to go through with the lawsuit against Xavier on national television.

• Cyclops and Wolverine find the missing soldiers in the Savage Land. They have been killed and re-animated by the computer that ran Magneto’s lair in the Savage Land. It has evolved and rebuilt itself. It is destroyed by Kitty Pryde as she phases through it while searching for Cyclops and Wolverine. All three X-Men begin retreating from the Savage Land while fighting the re-animated soldiers.

• In New York, the Hellfire Club is plotting to reveal themselves to Xavier and use Jean grey and the Phoenix Force.

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