Ultimate X-Men 19
From Ultimarvel
[edit] Ultimate X-Men #19 (Mark Millar, Chris Bachalo)
• The X-Men (Iceman, Wolverine, Storm, and Beast) proceed to the airport in Berlin to greet Colossus and debate the possibility that Xavier is brainwashing them to act different than their normal selves. They encounter Proteus/Betsy Braddock who is in the process of terrorizing Xavier and Moira.
• During the fight, Proteus teleports Xavier to Paris, Madrid, Rome, Sydney and then back to Berlin, killing hundreds of people at each location in order to unravel Xavier’s work.
• Betsy Braddock fights Proteus for control of her body, giving Xavier the chance to kill Proteus. Xavier cannot bring himself to do this and Colossus takes the opportunity to hit Proteus/Betsy Braddock with a car, killing him/her.
• Iceman is severely injured in the fight.
• Xavier decides to disband the X-Men while at his son’s funeral.
- Proteus suggests to Beast that Storm is only interested in him because of Xavier’s mind control.
- David MacTaggert is never actally called Proteus throughout this story arc. He mentions the name once as a possible super-villian name.