Ultimate Spider-Man 32

From Ultimarvel

Cover to Ultimate Spider-Man 32. Art by Mark Bagley

[edit] “Just Some Guy”

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Pencils: Mark Bagley

Inker: Art Thibert

Editor: Ralph Macchio

Publication Date: February 2003

May Parker calls Gwen’s mother, Ginger Stacy, and informs her of her husband’s passing. She tells Ginger how Gwen is staying with them and inquires about when she will be coming to get Gwen. Ginger refuses to have anything to do with Gwen and hangs up on May. After May gets off the phone, she sees that Gwen heard the conversation.

• In the bank at the police standoff, the Spider-Man imposter threatens the life of his hostages if Peter does not leave. Peter, using his super reflexes, disarms the imposter and then attacks him. Peter yells at the imposter for using his image and for being a murderer. Peter almost loses his cool and comes close to seriously hurting the imposter. Peter unmasks the imposter who swears that it was nothing personal; he’s just “some guy”. After this proclamation, Peter almost chokes the guy to death. He realizes what he is doing and quits.

• Outside the bank, Captain DeWolfe uses a megaphone and demands that anybody wearing a Spider-Man costume inside the bank come out with the mask off and their hands above their heads. All of the hostages come spilling out of the bank claiming that “he did it”. The police enter the bank to find the imposter webbed to the ceiling with a note on him that says “from the real Spider-Man”.

Peter returns home, running through his head the fact that he almost killed the imposter. He finds May sitting on the front porch; she tells Peter that they have to talk.

May and Peter find Gwen in the room she was staying in. Peter tells her that they got the guy in the Spider-Man costume. Gwen states that she is going to try to find her aunt that lives in Minnesota and live with her. May offers Gwen to let her live with them, Gwen answers by grabbing May and crying in her arms about her father.

Peter tells MJ about the events the next day at school. Peter realizes that she is being quiet and asks her what is wrong. MJ tells him that things are working out like she thought that they would. She tells Peter that she wakes up crying in the night and worries all the time that she or Peter is going to die. She tells him that she is sure that he is going to die being Spider-Man and she can’t handle it. She also says that Gwen is in love with Peter and she can’t handle that either, especially with Gwen living at Peter’s house. She tells Peter that her dad cheats on her mom and she will not be stupid like her mom and fool herself. MJ tells him that she loves him but cannot deal with all of this. She then breaks up with him and leaves.

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