Ultimate Spider-Man 30

From Ultimarvel

Cover to Ultimate Spider-Man 30. Art by Mark Bagley

[edit] “Emergency”

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Pencils: Mark Bagley

Inker: Art Thibert

Editor: Ralph Macchio

Publication Date: January 2003

• The police hold Spider-Man at gunpoint after shooting him in the shoulder. They handcuff him and attempt to remove his mask. Spider-Man breaks their hold and bounds away from the police while still handcuffed. He makes his way to the top of a building and breaks the cuffs. Spider-Man is pursued by a police helicopter; he manages to evade their pursuit by hiding in a dumpster.

Mary Jane is in her room writing in her journal. She receives a call from May Parker who is looking for Peter. MJ lies to May in order to protect Peter’s whereabouts and tells May that Peter is at her house, in the bathroom. MJ then receives a collect call from Peter who can only say “Mary…help me…”.

MJ takes a cab to where Peter told her over the phone that he was. She finds him in a dumpster with a gunshot wound. MJ indicates that she has brought him a change of clothes since he is in his Spider-Man outfit. She tries to convince Peter to call his aunt, but he refuses, saying that his uncle died from a gunshot wound and that this knowledge would kill his aunt.

MJ has Peter changes clothes. She walks him to the hospital where he is admitted with no ID. The emergency room staff tends to Peter while MJ sits in the waiting room, pretending that she has no connection to Peter.

Peter regains consciousness. Near his hospital bed, he can hear the doctors discussing his case with a police officer. They note that he had no ID and was not wearing the clothes he was shot in. The cop pulls aside the curtain to talk to the “unidentified boy”, only to find him gone.

Peter escapes through the venting systems above the ceiling. He regroups with Mary Jane outside the hospital. She is running from the hospital personnel who spotted her slipping out of the building. Peter carries them both to a rooftop away from the police and hospital attendants. Peter and MJ take a cab back home.

Peter sneaks back inside his house. He wakes May who is asleep on the couch. May comes to check on him in his room, and sees Peter asleep (pretending) in his bed.

• After May leaves from checking on him, Peter watches the news on television. He sees a report where a Sgt. Bullit is asking for citizens to come forward with knowledge of Spider-Man’s identity. He calls Spider-Man a coward and a thief.


- Mary Jane’s journal entry indicates her trauma over being thrown from the bridge by Norman Osborn (Ultimate Spider-Man 25). She states that she needs therapy but can’t because of Peter.

- After talking to May Parker and lying to her, Mary Jane comments “I should be an actress”, a nod to her character’s occupation in the Marvel 616 universe.

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