Ultimate Spider-Man 37

From Ultimarvel

Cover to Ultimate Spider-Man 37. Art by Mark Bagley


Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Pencils: Mark Bagley

Inker: Art Thibert

Editor: Ralph Macchio

Publication Date: May 2003

Peter has a nightmare where he relives attacking the robber in Ultimate Spider-Man 35. He wakes up screaming. He then goes to Mary Jane’s house and knocks on her window. MJ wakes up and looks out the window where she sees Peter gesturing for her to meet him in the garage.

MJ meets Peter in the garage. Peter asks MJ if she misses him, and that if she says “no”, he won’t bother her anymore. She replies that of course she misses him and comments that she has seen him around with Gwen. Peter replies that there is nothing between him and Gwen Stacy.

Peter tells MJ that he almost killed someone. He tells her that he would have been there for her about her problems at home if he had known about them. He then tells MJ that he is in love with her. MJ replies that she is scared and that this isn’t a normal life. Peter begins to reply, then instead leaves.

• At the Empire State University science building, a cleaning woman finds a black writhing mass of protoplasm on the floor. It is making human sounds so she gets nearer to investigate and to try to help. The mass lashes out, pulling her towards it as it grows teeth and a tongue. Minutes later Eddie Brock emerges from the mass. He is overcome by feeling of hunger from the Venom suit. He tries to maintain and control the suit. In response, it forms over his body into a form resembling Spider-Man in the black costume, but without the spider symbol on his chest. The suit then begins to lose form and Eddie realizes it is eating him alive. At this moment, two security guards enter the lab, alerted by the noise. The suit grows a mouth and tendrils snake off of it, barbed with teeth. It grabs both of the guards and feeds off of them.

• The next day, while in class, Peter’s spider-sense begins to go off. After realizing that he’s not crazy, he sees the Venom monster through the window. It is standing on the school grounds. Peter believes that it is the same sample of the costume that he wore and that it has retained his memories.

Peter sneaks out of class and meets the monster on the football field in the rain. He is wearing his school clothes. It speaks to him, saying “You shouldn’t have lied, Peter.” At this moment Peter realizes that the monster is Eddie. The monster's face splits to reveal Eddie Brock.


The cleaning woman is listening to a radio call in show. The topic of the show is the Hulk attack on New York City. The current caller sites "this bedlam with all those Ultimate super hero people, all this damage...". This is referring to the Hulk's attack on the city in The Ultimates 5.

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