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From Ucbgwinn600

Gone are the old stories from the shadows. They have long since been pushed aside for Hollywood’s new generation of “Saw”s and “Ring”s. But in a lair deep beneath a super market, one man has kept the mystery alive.

Twelve students, snatched from their UCB class and forced to improvise in the damp corridors and walk-in fridges of hell, until they mutated and began to…write sketches… This show is the fruit of their ungodly labors. This meandering narrative a tribute to their new master: Vincent Price Jr.

Starring Dan Buchbinder, Jane Casserly, Karsten Cross, Mo Fathelbab, Julia Frey, David Greenfield, Betsy Hoffman, Barry Lank, Neil Ruddy, Jaime Skinner, John Ward, & Steve Weiner

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