Main Page

From Ucbgwinn600

Revision as of 21:09, 1 March 2006 by (Talk)

Hey guys, So here's our little home on the web where we can collectively write the group sketch and work on our own individual stuff too. For those who want to contribute to the wiki, just click on the sketch link below, and once in that page click the edit tab at the top of the screen. I've tried my best to write the finger scene from verbatim, but if you remember your individual lines go ahead and edit the page. If you want to work on your own sketches here all you have to do is create the page. Its important to remember that anyone can edit any part of a wiki, so be on the lookout for vandals.

They'll be the ones in black masks.
I am far from an expert on this technology so If anyone in the group is a wiki expert you can supplant me at anytime. 

I think its a testament to how simple this stuff is that I managed to do it half drunk at 2 in the morning. Technology may be great...but people rule. Cheers.


Cut Finger Sketch

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