Poetry 2017
From Tyler Zahnke
Revision as of 10:51, 1 April 2017 by Tyler Zahnke (Talk | contribs)
So, I have been hearing about Poetry Month for several years now, and I remember all the way back in 2014 wanting to take the challenge and write a poem for every day of April; the challenge known by many as NaPoWriMo. Well, this year I am finally going to do it!
March 23, 2017: Pre-April Poem
They say that in April, the showers commence, And flowers will have to be saved until May. But being a poet, it only makes sense For me to start writing of flowers today. For I believe life is a beautiful thing, And words can paint pictures so vivid and bright. So let all your precious ideas take wing, And all of your poems will soar like a kite! Though thousands of stories are written in prose, A poem conveys a more ambient tone. A poem will blossom and bloom like a rose; A garden of thoughts that you can call your own. So if you're a writer who wants to explore Your thoughts and emotions that set you apart, Just sit down and write one, or two, three or more, And take my advice, always write from your heart.