Wiki backup
From Tribewanted
Currently, the contents of this Wiki are stored on a third party server The Tribe's intention is to eventually host the Wiki on our own server. In the meantime, keeping our Wiki data backed up ensures that the data will not be lost should go belly up.
Here is how you backup the Wiki. The backup procedure produces a text file in XML format of all pages within the Wiki. This file can then be used to restore the Wiki data, or even move the entire Wiki to another server.
- 1. Go to Special:Allpages. This page displays all of the pages currently in this Wiki.
- 2. Copy and past the section of this page that lists all the page names into a text editor on your computer (Notepad, for example).
- 3. Manually edit the file so that each Wiki page name is on its own line. This is a pain to do. (if you're a computer type, use a code editor and replace tab characters with newlines.)
- 4. Go to Special:Export and copy the contents of your Notepad file into the box. Basically, you want a list where each Wiki page name is on its own line.
- 5. Make sure the checkbox is checked that says, "Include only the current revision, not the full history".
- 6. Click the Submit Query button.
If all goes well, after a few seconds a new page should display that shows a whole lot of funny looking text (its XML format). Save this page from your web browser to your computer.
If needed, the XML file you save can be used to recreate the Wiki in case a backup is needed, or to move the Wiki to another server that uses the MediaWiki software. You would use the Special:Import page to do this, which requires admin privileges.
The export page is pretty particular. You cannot have:
- any blank spaces before or after the page names
- blank lines
- a newline at the end of the last page name
Otherwise, you'll just get an error message like, "XML Parsing Error: no element found"