Proposition 14: Extra time vote, limited advance booking

From Tribewanted

Forum discussion: Forum thread

Status: Discussion closed. Open for voting until Midnight, March 7, 2007

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Text of Proposition

The tribe previously voted that a member can buy an unlimited number of weeks overall. But should the amount you can book in advance be limited to a total of 12 weeks?

Arguments for

  • (Willie H) Vote YES. We should have a 12 week limit, otherwise, we allow rich people to dominate their time on the island. I don't like that.
  • (Holly F) Please vote YES on this limit. It keeps new people involved - that keeps ideas fresh.

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Arguments against

  • (Tribbles) This is a confusing proposition - VOTE NO. We are also voting on Proposition 12 to limit time to 4 weeks on the island. How can that work with this 12 week limit? I think all these propositions should be VOTED DOWN until we can get proper wording in place to cover everything.
  • (Franko) VOTE NO. I think 12 weeks is too long.

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