From Tribewanted

PTTW = Posted To The Wiki

Usually found in a post on the Tribewanted forum. It means that someone thought the subject of the forum thread should be something added to the Wiki. By making a PTTW post, other tribe members know that the topic is now forever immortalized on the Wiki and won't get lost into the abyss of an endlessly scrolling forum.

To be extra nice, you can follow PTTW with a link to the Wiki topic page you created so that people don't have to search the Wiki for your new topic. Like this:


Of course, follow the Wiki Guidelines. That means you might have to do a little editing to remove forum text that should not go into the Wiki. If you are really good, you'll edit the text and add hyperlinks to unusual words or make external website links hot. You should also remove any member email addresses so Internet spambots don't get 'em.

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