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Demolition Derby

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 21:28, 6 June 2007 by Koopa64 (Talk | contribs)

Demolition Derby, like the two previous matches in the It's a Blast Series, features only Rocket Launchers.


There's nothing like high explosives for reducing ChassisBots to chassis bits. The game lasts 4 minutes... Make sure you score top!


Match Info:


Medal Requirements:

  • Gold: 1st and 25 Kills
  • Silver: 1st and 15 Kills
  • Bronze: 1st


This is an all out bombfest, since everyone starts out with a Rocket Launcher, it's safe to fire off a lot of rockets. The center of the Scrapyard has the most traffic, so camp out there.

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