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Scotland The Brave

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 20:48, 26 December 2007 by Galactimus138 (Talk | contribs)
The Island

In Scotland The Brave, Cortez teams up with Captain Ash to save the Jungle Queen and try to find the source of the Time Crystals.




Cortez has been sent back in time to Urnsay, a small island off the coast of Scotland to investigate the time travel energy residues which Anya detected.

On arrival he finds himself in the midst of a battle raging between the British Navy and foreign troops occupying the island.

Fortunately the eccentric Captain Ash has offered to lend a hand. What ho!

Primary Objectives

  • Infiltrate the castle
  • Protect Captain Ash
  • Escape the trap
  • Locate the Time Crystal mining site
  • Gain entry to the meeting hall
  • Destroy the enemy tank
  • Access the underground areas of the island

Secondary Objectives

  • Help Captain Ash rescue his assistant



  • Co-op

Before the tank battle, let one of the players in Cooperative go through the door and the other stay behind. Let that player pick up the weapons around the area where the tank comes out and battles you. But, since it's just one of the two, the tank won't come out. After the player is done, let the other do the same thing. Then after you repeat the secret, both of the players should come out and fight the tank with a lot of ammo.



  • There is an organ in the room that you are in before you fight the tank. If you press the action button it will play different tunes.
  • After you've beaten the tank, if you stay too long on the courtyard, Anya will say: "The General says 'stop playing with the tank and get down below, on the double!'".
  • The drunk enemy is in the wine cellar. He boasts about how he is the best guard.
  • In the meeting hall, after you have killed the enemies there, walk up to the side of the fireplace, you will see a switch there, that will take you down a path to an elevator shaft, you cant get in it, but it will give you the "Access the Underground Areas of the island" objective sooner.
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