The Cast
From Thrashfs
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[edit] The Player Characters
Noel Camenzend
Kagami Kyouya
Allen Matthews
Angelo Shuratei
Cass Solaryn
Ariel Zongxi
[edit] The Supporting Cast
Please sort the supporting cast members by their last name (if possible), then first name.
Please write a sentence or two summary of cast member, next to their name.
[edit] Other Students
Students of the Tohou school who are not serious combatants.
Anthony Green - Third member of the AV club, and the only non-combatant.
Leanne Solaryn
Unimportant Students
[edit] Other Fighters
Julia Ei Camenzend - Noel's stepsister; a well known champion in her own right.
Albrecht Löwe von Eberswalde - A member of the AV club, with a few secrets of his own.
Joe Reihana - The second member of the AV club, and a master of strange technologies.
Genji Stephens
"Uriel" - An Archangelus of Elysium currently hunting Angelo; an immensely deadly opponent in and of herself.
[edit] Family And Friends
Marius Camenzend - Noel's father; a bit of an eccentric figure himself.
Soon-Ei Camenzend - Noel's mother; she's likely the reason the family's like it is.
Mr. Igayim - Compassionate teacher to Cass and Ariel. DECEASED.
Bernardo Tule - Ariel's social worker.
Masa - Kyouya's driver, constantly going through vehicles.
[edit] Tohou School Educational Staff
Miller Arguelo - Principal.
Bryant Alger
Sue Ci
Mr. Finch
Angelo Goodwife
Sister Heather
Emily Kesey
Rumi Kundalini
Mrs. Magruder
Ajax Smith