The Cast

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Revision as of 08:26, 25 March 2008 by (Talk)

Template - A character template for posting characters with.


The Player Characters

Allen Matthews
Noel Camenzend - Short description will go here?
Angelo Shuratei
Cass Solaryn
Ariel Zongxi
Kagami Kyouya

The Supporting Cast

Please sort the supporting cast members by their last name (if possible), then first name.
Please write a sentence or two summary of cast member, next to their name.

Other Students

Students of the Tohou school who are not serious combatants.

Anthony Green - Third member of the AV club, and the only non-combatant.
Leanne Solaryn
Unimportant Students

Other Fighters

Julia Ei Camenzend - Noel's stepsister; a well known champion in her own right.
Albrecht Löwe von Eberswalde - A member of the AV club, with a few secrets of his own.
Joe Reihana - The second member of the AV club, and a master of strange technologies.
Genji Stephens
"Uriel" - An Archangelus of Elysium currently hunting Angelo; an immensely deadly opponent in and of herself.

Family And Friends

Marius Camenzend - Noel's father; a bit of an eccentric figure himself.
Soon-Ei Camenzend - Noel's mother; she's likely the reason the family's like it is.
Mr. Igayim - Compassionate teacher to Cass and Ariel. DECEASED.
Bernardo Tule - Ariel's social worker.
Masa - Kyouya's driver, constantly going through vehicles.

Tohou School Educational Staff

Miller Arguelo - Principal.
Bryant Alger
Sue Ci
Mr. Finch
Angelo Goodwife
Sister Heather
Emily Kesey
Rumi Kundalini
Mrs. Magruder
Ajax Smith

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