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[edit] Statistics
Character Name: Ibitsu Kakuzu
Series: Naruto
Gender: Male
Age: 200+
DOB: Unknown. (Presumably sometime in October)
Job: Quarry Worker
The Item: Akatsuki Ring, 北 ("North")
Journal: artery_eater @ livejournal
[edit] Residence
Housing Unit A, NORMANDY; Apartment FIVE
[edit] Personality
As befitting an extremely long-lived and sociopathic vampire, Kakuzu is bitter, cantankerous, and looks out only for himself. He is tired of dealing with life's encroaching ennui; has seen everything and done at least half of the things that would make most people gouge out their eyes, and now believes, almost wholeheartedly, that the only things that matter in life are his own survival, and the acquisition of money -- the latter only because money, no matter how old Kakuzu gets, will never lose its importance. Kakuzu is quick to anger, quicker to sarcasm, and loves to mess with people's heads whenever he can. He lives life to its fullest and wears many different "masks", creating whatever persona he may need at a moment's notice and acting however someone would expect him to act whenever it would serve his own needs. More often than not, Kakuzu will befriend someone simply to gain somesort of advantage over them.
[edit] Powers and Abilities
Due to some unknown ability/transformation/surgery in his past, Kakuzu is able to extend his life indefinitely through the extraction and incorporation of foreign human hearts into his person. He can possess five human hearts at once, and is able to turn them into monstrous, shadowy creatures that obey his every command once they are detached from his body. Each shadow he creates in this fashion can use a certain element (Either Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, or Lightning), and can also combine/attach themselves to his body, allowing him to mix elements into more powerful "jutsu". On their own, his "Golems" are also powerful forces to be reckoned with in melee combat, though if and when all of them are destroyed, Kakuzu also dies.
His body is also made up of many different black "threads" that he can control mentally, though the extent of what he can do with these threads is never really explored.
Flux Gate Limitations -- Thread Manipulation reduced to a maximum of five feet; full strength is still observed -- Chakra-usage is...wonky due to the Flux Gate's Interference, though I believe small D-C Ranked Ninjutsu could still be used to some degree. -- He can still detect Chakra/other forms of energy in others, though can't do it over long distances. -- Due to his undead nature, he almost instinctively knows when another undead is around; though the Flux Gate interferes with this ability at long distance. -- Heart-Golems cannot be used at this stage in time due to every heart Kakuzu ingests deteriorating that much quicker outside of his body. -- Every Ten to Fourteen days one of Kakuzu's hearts deteriorates and brings him that much closer to death.
[edit] History
Kakuzu was much older than he appeared, recalling that he once fought Shodai Hokage. The outcome of the match is not known. Kakuzu was able to extend his life by withdrawing the hearts of his opponents. This also allowed him to utilize their chakra nature affinity, granting him access to all five chakra elements. Kakuzu's body was held together by mysterious black tendrils, which sewed together various chunks of his body. These stitches could be removed to allowed him to extend his body parts. Kakuzu eventually fled Hidden Waterfall and joined Akatsuki. He was partnered with another fellow "immortal" in Hidan. Hidan and Kakuzu were directed to capture the two-tailed bijuu Jinchuuriki Nii Yugito. This kunoichi from Hidden Cloud was highly skilled and not easily captured by the pair. The Jinchuuriki seemed to have been assigned as Kakuzu's personally to capture.
After handing off Yugito to Zetsu, Hidan and Kakuzu headed to the Fire Country Temple in search of a bounty head. There Kakuzu and his partner wiped out many of the monks and killed Chiriku, Kakuzu's bounty target. The two men then headed to a bounty station to cash in Chiriku. After receiving his money Hidan and Kakuzu were attacked by a team from Konoha. In the battle, Hidan killed Sarutobi Asuma and the two men were forced to withdraw after being contacted by the Akatsuki leader. They assisted in the withdrawing of the Nibi from Yugito and then sealing it and the Sanbi in the King of Hell Statue.
On their journey to find their second Jinchuuriki, they were stopped by Team 10 and Kakashi. The team was set on revenge for Asuma's death. Shikamaru led Hidan off to fight alone and Chouji, Ino and Kakashi began to battle Kakuzu. Seeing Kakuzu use a Earth element jutsu to harden his body, Kakashi quickly moved to pierce Kakuzu's heart with Raikiri, as Lightning beat Earth. Kakuzu wasn't dead though. He removed his cloak revealing four tendril entities. These entities wore masks and contained the hearts of opponents he had fought. The Earth entity was killed and he began to attack using his other masks. Chouji managed to damage the Lightning mask and Hidan unfortunately damaged Kakuzu's original Water heart with his jutsu.
Kakuzu was forced to absorb the Lightning heart to live and he moved to unleash more Fire and Wind attacks. Naruto and Team 7 arrived to assist and Naruto asked to take on Kakuzu alone, to prove his growth. He moved to attack with his new Fuuton Rasen Shuriken, but it failed. He then tried again, using a clone diversion wielding Rasen Shuriken as well to get access to Kakuzu's blindside. The attack struck home, destroying Kakuzu's hearts and critically wounding him in a maelstrom of destruction. Kakuzu couldn't believe such young people had beaten him and Kakashi told him that to one who fought Shodai, they would be kids. But now Kakuzu was just a beaten old man. Kakashi then finished Kakuzu off with a Raikiri. Kakuzu's body was then taken back to Konoha for autopsy. Tsunade examined his cells to determine the extent of the damage Naruto's new jutsu caused. It is unknown what happened to Kakuzu's body after the examination but Konoha still appears to have held on to it and his ring.
[edit] Relationships
Orihime -- Views her as a surrogate sister/niece that he has to protect; her innocence makes him feel awkward and slightly older than what he really is.
Tifa Lockheart -- Interested in her on an entirely platonic level due to her views on the cycle of life; possibly using her to get to know more about the world. Their personalities/views on life clash.
Greed -- Hates his guts because his attitude reminds him so much of a disgusting mixture of Hidan and Naruto, but is too much a businessman to stop working with him simply because of it.
Yami Bakura -- Interested in his past and, after finally getting on his good side, interested in what he's up to around the city.
Mitarashi Anko -- Interested in her both physically and as a source of entertainment; he is only mildly wary of her status as Orochimaru's ex-pupil and Konoha Special-Nin.
Uzumaki Naruto -- Hatred. Pure, unadulterated hatred. The kid killed him, and if it weren't for the Akatsuki's mission Kakuzu would have killed him back. As of late, he's been trying to keep the Fox-brat alive just so that the Kyuubi won't burst out and kill everyone.
Uchiha Itachi -- Despite thinking that the Uchiha should "get a life" and stop focusing on the near-incestuous relationship he seems to have with his brother, they're really the only allies they have around here, so he tolerates him at best.
Deadpool (Wade Wilson) -- Views the scarred man as a sort of ally; interested in his past, but hates his attitude because, again, he reminds him of Hidan.
Haine Rammsteiner -- Now that he's met the grown-up version, Kakuzu isn't sure which one was worse -- the sociopath who took out one of his hearts, or the one with the smart mouth.
Grimmjow Jaggerjack -- This cat here makes him laugh so hard he can't even stomach it. After burying him in the Quarry for making Orihime cry and then leaving him there to rot for a few weeks, the Arrancar's completely slipped off his radar.
Maes Hughes -- He suspects there's something...off about the man, but doesn't quite know what it is. The fact that he seems to know so much and willingly submitted himself to working alongside Kakuzu as an informant doesn't help things either.
Victor Creed -- More To Come.