
From Thes1project


[edit] Statistics

Character Name: Homsar
Series: Homestar Runner
Gender: Male
The Item: His bowler hat
Journal: handmedownclown @ livejournal

[edit] Residence

Housing Unit B, STALINGRAD; Apartment EIGHT

[edit] Personality

Homsar is well...Homsar. Not very bright, no true thought pattern, just seems to appear and may or may not spout off something relevant to what is going on. Not a mean bone in his body. He likes playing board games and organizing his own events such as a tree hugging concert and plays ((usually starring inanimate objects)) Laws of logic and science do not apply to him.

[edit] Powers and Abilities

Can defy all laws of physics, levitate, limited psycho-kinetic abilities, duplicate himself, control time, metamorphosis, shrink in size, make a paintbrush sound like a bell, imitate the sound of a crowd, and can make his hat change size. His hat also seems to move on its own.

[edit] History

Homsar first appeared in the SBemail 'Homsar' in which Strong Bad tried to kill him via a 'heavy lourde' because he hated Homsar. Marzipan being the nice girl she was delivered flowers to him ((Marzipan's Answering Machine: 05)). He often appears in the site's flashes 'Easter Eggs'. He doesn't seem to have many friends besides Strong Sad and Marzipan. Bubs refuses to talk to him, but even though it seems like most of the residents of Free Country, USA hates him he always ends up at parties where everyone else is at.

Strong Bad once claimed Homsar was raised by a cup of coffee.

[edit] Relationships

Under construction

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